Obedience, II.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

...continued... from [Part 1]

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Yes, Jesus came and He died for us but what we need to understand as believers is that, our trust and faith in Jesus has not taken away the moral, ethical and the judicial rights God expects of us. Jesus has given us assess to the Father but we still need to walk in obedience to the things that are expected of us as a believer. Jesus did His part but the Word and instructions remain the same.

The roots of Christianity are in the justification by faith and that began way back from Abraham. He was told to leave His father's house and he left all behind - the gods, the people, the comfort and everything. It takes a great act of faith and obedience to be able to pull that off. God saw that in Abraham already because He knew every man.

Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

All blessings are linked to Abraham and that was due to his obedience to God's instructions. We are the seeds of Abraham and God still requires the same from us today.

As Abraham progressed in Obedience to God, God increased the magnitude of the promise He had with him. God told Him he would become a great nation and then afterwards told him he would be a father of many nations. He further went and told him nations and kings would come out of him and in Genesis 18:18, God told him that he would become a might nation and bless the nations of the earth. God also told him that all nations of the earth shall be blessed because of him, as recorded in Genesis 22:18. The key needed to unlock these promises as a covenant He had with Abraham was obedience. That is still what God requires from us today.

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Abraham tried to do a shortcut when he had Ishmael. Abraham left his father's house at 75, gave birth to Ishmael at 86 and it was not until he was 99 before God revealed to him that circumcision is vital in the steps to obedience and it was a year after this revelation that Isaac was born. God was intentional. God waited for 13 years to reveal unto him the importance of circumcision and a year after he had Isaac and he was circumcised. God requires total obedience from us.

1 Samuel 15:22 (NIV)

But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

What instruction has God given you personally that you are struggling to go a tad with? Whatever it is, you can be sure that in the end of it, you will be more blessed than you started, even if you feel you are losing so much. Abraham left all his people behind and the key to his blessings can be attributed to his obedience. He must have felt he lost it all too but then God rewarded his faith.

Have faith in God. He is on His throne. He never fail and He always prevail. You are in a safe hand of God when you choose to go all out to do whatever it is that He instructed you to do. If you don't have a specific instructions yet too, don't forget that His Word is the manual that we need to live a fulfilled and pleasing life to God. To obey is better than sacrifice. Don't take for granted the work of His Grace.

Thank you for your time.

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Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


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He did not die, but he raised the sky, and this is mentioned in Islam, so I advise you to read the Holy Qur’an, which they tell you not to read it because you will realize the truth. We as Muslims believe in Christianity and Christ son of Mary, and we believe in all the messengers. The nation perishes, the body perishes, and there is one for the Holy Qur’an other than Christianity. There is one, but they distorted it and wrote in it unless God has written it and the number of copies. Look, you will find many copies. Have you seen his worshipers with music and drinking wine in Islam directly related to God. You regret it if you want heaven, I tell you, just read about it, read about it, and you will realize the truth

Have you read the Bible, my friend?

You have a lot of copies, and this indicates one thing that the Bible has been modified by parties that want to destroy the religion, and this is mentioned in the Qur’an that all the previous holy books because we believe in all the prophets and messengers as I said to you that we have that all books have been modified. Except that God preserved the Noble Qur’an I will tell you, give yourself a chance only, and read the Qur’an, and you will know everything. There is the Qur’an. Usury is forbidden. Why is it because it corrupts society? Why is it forbidden to drink and pork’s womb? I mean drinking alcohol because it corrupts the self. Why is it forbidden fornication because it destroys people and no one approves of that One of us is satisfied to find his mother with another person who has sex. No, this human instinct does not accept that, but many of the things that must be read on Islam and about the Sunnah, I mean the Sunnah

The conviction of the Faith that we have in life will be something that will last for all eternity.

Yes. God rewards our faith.

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