in HeartChurch3 years ago

SAN JUAN; Chapter-8, Verses: 7 to 11: And as they insisted on asking him, he straightened up and said to them: HE who among you is without sins is the first to throw the stone at her.
8: And leaning back to the ground he continued writing on the ground.
9: But they, hearing this accused by his conscience, went out one by one, beginning from the oldest to the last; and only JESUS remained, and the woman who was in the middle.
10: JESUS straightening up, and not seeing anyone but the woman, he said to her: Woman, where are those who accused you? No one condemns you?
11: She said: None, sir. Then Jesus said to him, Neither do I condemn you; Go away and sin no more.


Blessings from on high my beloved brothers, the enemy is very cunning therefore we must be very careful because he is a very liar and dresses as an angel to continue deceiving and confusing people, he is also provocative and whoever is not well affirmed in CHRIST can fall into your trap or nets. It is for this reason that we should not judge or point to anyone because although we know the ways of the Lord we are still going through a process of tests that is to say that we are preparing every day instructing ourselves and learning more and more from his word and knowing what It is good and bad because we were rescued from a world full of sins, evils and darkness, so the process is long term until we can see and enjoy the coming of the Lord.


In the biblical passage of SAN JUAN Chapter 8 Verse 7 to 11 our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST teaches us that he is the only one who can judge people for their faults or sins and exhorts those who are free of sins to throw the first stone and we must know that when we come to the feet or ways of the Lord it is because we were freed from the sins of drunkenness, adultery, fornication, idolatry and others therefore from that moment when we accept CHRIST as our only and true savior we are recognizing that we really are or we were sinners and that we must continue to purify ourselves with his blood which is the word of his father (the bible).
Because his word is unique and true which clearly tells us that he delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son in whom we have redemption and forgiveness of sins. Beloved, we are not the one to judge another person, first let us see the beam that is in our eyes and then remove the straw that according to you, I or we see the other person, we do not act like those scribes and Pharisees who ran to JESUS ​​so that He will judge that woman and they will throw a stone at her. But our beloved lord full of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness, a woman told him where are those who accused you, she looking around did not see anyone, neither the old nor the last had already left because they recognized that each of them would have committed sin then our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST told him woman nor I condemn you, go away and sin no more at that time that woman was recognizing that our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST gives us new opportunities, forgives us and makes us free from all sin but also makes us see that we cannot keep falling or committing sins. We are called to teach, guide and help others so that they do not continue to fall into sin and see the light or the way to salvation and tell them, come look for CHRIST so that you do not sin anymore and you can be free. AMEN

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