Our integrity as Christians.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Job chapter 2, verse 3: And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou not considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil, and yet retaineth his integrity, though thou hast stirred me up against him to destroy him without a cause?


Beloved brothers, in this passage of the Bible we see how God considers Job as a man of integrity, perfect, fearful of Him, in spite of all the misfortune that had already happened to him, of losing everything, his family, his material goods, he continued to trust in God. Here we can notice that Job's heart was not divided between the things of God and the things of the world, nor clinging to the material, he had his eyes, his heart and his faith set on the One who gives us everything, on our Wonderful God.


A person of integrity does not fear anything, does not hide anything, does not walk with hypocrisy, they are honest, they are real. We must learn to be Christians with integrity, that nothing moves us, that we learn to live in the much or in the little, not clinging to material things but to God, sometimes we give more value to the material than to God, He fills us with blessings and sometimes what do we do? We forget that it is He who gives us everything. We must learn to love God above all things, and make treasures in heaven with our mind, soul and heart.
We must be sure of our integrity and righteousness before God and then before men, for then we will stand firm in God's ways.
Beloved, when we are Christians of integrity we are so simply because we have decided to please God first and foremost.

God Bless you in Jesus' name

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