in HeartChurch4 years ago

Beloved brethren, am excited to come your way once again with the goodnews of you are in Christ. God through Christ had delivered us from the power of sin and death into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Jesus Christ.
In this study we are going to examined critically some of the fundamental teachings of the Christian message as represented in the Bible.
However, today I shall focus my study on a new person in Christ. This new person is a new nature made possible by the redeeming work of Christ which can neither be bought nor Self-created.
The lesson, if closely followed, will surely deepen your faith as we shall know what it means to grow in Christ, the hope of a chrome living a life of contentment.

Deliverance from sin and death

Becoming a new person depends upon our receiving anew nature from God. Real deliverance comes through Christ, and there is no condemnation whatsoever for those who are in Him. Those in Christ are not condemned because Christ was condemned in their stead. In the passage we read, both the spirit, Sin and death are called the law because of the constancy of their influence and action. Law here refers to the mosaic law and we can see that God did what the could not do. The word lines is important for it signifies that Christ came in the flesh like ours and was a true man, but not a sinful man. He was free from sin both in nature and in act.

The flesh refers to men who are living under the control of sin. Sin as a rebellious force against God was condemned in the flesh of Christ in order that the requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who are walking or living in accordance with the flesh, but in accordance with the spirit. Thus God dealt with sin in the death of His son, so that those in Christ might understand the complete requirements of God as it is expressed in the law.


In the whole paragraph, the apostles tells about our salvation by God's grace, showing what we were in the past, what we are now, and what we shall be in the future. The first three years reminds the Ephesians believer of how desperately they once needed God's saving grace. He reminds them that they have been quicken by God since they were dead in trespasses and sins. The death referred to here is not the physical, but the spiritual. That is, separation from God.


Because of our sinful nature we could not have fellowship with God and to be cut off from Him means death. God in His goodness, through no effort of our own has given us new life in Christ.

Again, the word conversation means behavior, manner of life or conduct. The term flesh in the new testament is often used in an ethical sense to refer to the old nature and both body and mind are connected.

What we are in the past (Ephesians 2:4-6)

Now, the writer refers to the riches of God in mercy. There is no limit to the mercy of God. The Bible repeatedly indicate that God's love towards us, not our love towards Him, is the more important. We have been made alive and complete.

What we shall be in the future

The fact that God has made redeemed sinners an eternal object lesson of His grace is amazing but true. In the future, Church is to be an eternal demonstration of the grace of God. God's grace is the source of Our salvation. Faith then becomes channel through which Our salvation comes. Salvation, therefore is a gift of God, not of works. Works in the scripture are the fruit of salvation not the cause of it.

Thank you for reading