Don't Misjudge Eve

in HeartChurch4 years ago


It is an irony, a contradiction of profession, that a Christian who goes to church to fulfill John 17:3 ( knowing God and Jesus to have eternal life) through studying the Bible, believing and practicing the word of God which is Jesus, the truth ( John 14:6), and proceed to follow Jesus into ALL his truth, become set free by the truth John 8:3, he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven Matthew 7:21 and qualify to be taken to heaven when Jesus return at his second coming, should rather turn around, dump God and Jesus and his holy desire of preparing this way for the Kingdom of God in order to protect and enjoy the partial Truth practised for most of his life.

Without realizing it, He permits prophecy in the Bible to be fulfilled in Him. It says, "He ( satan) will use every kind of wicked deception to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they refuse to believe the truth that would save them. So God will send great deception upon them, and they will believe all these lies. Then they will be condemned for not believing the truth and for enjoying the evil they do" (2 thesis.2:10-12).
It is a pity that church denominations that ought to enhance the truth has shamefully been used by satan to advance error and half truths. God's children now prefer to follow church and not Jesus the absolute truth and through this they build and serve kingdoms of men and not God.

The devil that spoke to Eve through a serpent and bewitched her by lying signs and wonders, is today according to Rev. 12;9 using this method to effectively deceive the whole. He is still causing human beings to twist, change and misrepresent God's word, to replace God's word with their reasoning, and follow their senses. Today the devil's deception is still making human being doubt God's sincerity, distrust or presume on God's goodness, disbelieve God's word and reject His authority. But the faithful, the willing and the obedience shall live by every word of God that will insulate them from deception and make them live for the Kingdom.

Christian who don't love the truth, make fanciful interpretations of Scripture to gratify their curiosity and personal desires They twist scripture to guarantee themselves peace and security which are absolutely vain. This is what God in 2 Tim.4: 3 calls itching ears.
Christian who like Eve believe it is safe to practice anything in worship or service to God other than >>thus said the Lord, or establish and perform something new no matter how it seems to honour God or regard worship and services to God as a buffet where they have freedom to choose from and pick, should accept this reminder as a timely warning from God. Doing any of the things listed here will once again open our eyes ( another sad opening), make us packaged " god's", establishing and knowing good and evil.



"Christian who like Eve believe it is safe to practice anything in worship or service to God other than >>thus said the Lord, or establish and perform something new no matter how it seems to honour God or regard worship and services to God as a buffet where they have freedom to choose from and pick, should accept this reminder as a timely warning from God. Doing any of the things listed here will once again open our eyes ( another sad opening), make us packaged " god's", establishing and knowing good and evil."

Eve had nothing to do with changing the way God is worshipped. What you say is ridiculous.

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