God, the only professional in redemption and salvation

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Professional are experts in their field and since we expect them to be trustworthy, we submit to their counsels. God is the only professional in redemption and salvation, but why does not accept him as trustworthy and submit to his counsels? We don't counter the counsel Of human professional but when it comes to God we become wiser and refuse to accept his counsels completely. We enjoy God's works in creation, why we don't enjoy his work in salvation? The snake talk is the reason.


Any one thing done in worship or service to God which is a variation of what God commanded, no matter how it seems to honour him, is the snake talk that's separate us from God, as it did Eve and Adam. All who start doing snake talk are like Eve, and all who later follow them are Adam. The Bible only has the truth but sometimes the history of the world confirm some truth Sabbath truth. Worship and services to God today are full of snakes talks.

Nicodemus knew much of the truth and practice all he knew. He was a highly educated Pharisee, a teacher of the law, a ruler of the Jews, highly talented, a very rich man who used his wealth to support God's work, a respected and highly honoured member of the national council of the Jews, prayed three times a day, fasted twice a week, and an lsraelite of no mean order - thought is credentials and his good works were enough to give him the favor of God. He was wrong but because he loved the truth and believed and trusted God.

Jesus led him to all the truth, he became truly born again; he experienced the renewing of the heart. He deepened Bible study, believed the word of God and submitted himself to Holy Spirit's leading. Thus, Jesus through the Holy Spirit became the Lord of his life which he couldn't afford to disobey. Any Christian desiring heaven must be ready to follow the truth in all its ramifications.

This is a reminder that your salvation cannot come from what you think you are at present in God's work, your credentials, your good works - it comes only from believing and obeying Jesus through all his word. When you do this you tap fully from Jesus' merits and virtues deriving from what he did on the cross. This alone delivers salvation

When God says in Rev.12:9 that satan is "the one deceiving the whole world" ( Nlt), is that an overstatement? No, he knows what he says. Adam surrendered the dominion God gave to him and according to Jesus, he is the Prince and the God of this world. Satan is a master deceiver, cunning and subtle in his methods. With our depraved nature and finite understanding he beats us out rightly. The dictionary described subtle as not very noticeable or obvious because of being organised in a clever way.

Only Jesus is exempt and He confirm in ( john14:30) . If we surrender completely to Jesus and are led by the holy spirit in absolute obedience, working in his footsteps, doing what he did and doing all his commands then shall this likeness of Jesus, this recreation into his substitute insulate us from devil's deception. The essence of deception is that you don't realise you are deceived. That the majority are doing it is no proof of correctness, in fact the Bible says the multitude is wrong in living moral life based on religious principles. If you don't want to take chances but want to do it right, please follow the Bible, the truth is in there.

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