The Character of God

in HeartChurch4 years ago


When a scripture is rightly explained, then Jesus is the root. So if you really want to understand the event of the scripture, first of all know Jesus because Jesus is explained in the scripture. Jesus did not come to explain God, but God is explained in Jesus. It's Jesus that revealed the character of the God.

When Jesus is revealed to you, then the Bible is decoded or unveiled to you. So Jesus is the character of God revealed to us.
In saving man, Jesus revealed or exposed God's character to man.

Right from the beginning, God's character has been a subject to discussion on earth. Act 12' 21-23. It had been explained in the Bible that God only gives, he
doesn't give and take, he doesn't made and destroy, he is a generous God and he gives liberally. That God's character.

It's a wrong mind set for a believer to beliefs that God punishes somebody of the sin they committed. It's not in the character of God to use sin against any man. You must know that God didn't create sin, God does not used sin, he is against sin, that why he doesn't imputes sin on any man.
God is consistent in his character, he doesn't have a dual character.

David in his prophetic utterances attest, to how God his generous in his blessings. (Psalms 103:2) the character of God towards sickness is healing, he cannot make you sick and at the same time make you healed. The Bible says, anywhere (Jesus) he went he was doing good. Healing people, raising the dead, making the blind to see, he doesn't kill or destroy.

God's character towards man is Of good and evil. Anywhere you see darkness is a sign that God is not there because God is light and not darkness. God is consistent in his character, he doesn't change he remains the same.

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