The place of Bible in my life

in HeartChurch4 years ago

No other book has had such influence on the lives of men as has the Bible. It has continued to be the world's best- seller among all the books for sale. Usually we study from the Bible about others subject, but today we are focusing on the Bible itself, and it's place in the life of a Christian. It is hoped that this discussion will foster in each of us a greater love for the Bible and a deeper commitment to follow its teachings.

The Bible is the word of God (2tim.3:16; 2pet.1;21)

The Bible is inspired of God. Although from God, came to us through the lives and experience of God's men. Written over a period of no less than 2000 years and by as many as forty different authors, it is nevertheless the word of God. Paul says, All Scriptures is inspired by God..." (2tim.3: 16). And Peter wrote, No prophecy ever came by the impulse of men, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2Pet.1:21). God didn't just make man a writing machine, but sent His Holy Spirit into the mind and experience of men to put down in writing the word of Scriptures.

The Bible is a Record of God's Revelation.

God has revealed himself to man. The Bible is not the revelation itself, but it is the story of how God has all along been seeking to reveal himself to a sinning humanity. This revelation began with creation and with Adam. It continued in various ways through the prophet until finally God's greatest revelation came in the person of Jesus Christ. Using the Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit of God continue to speak to men and to assist in our understanding of God.

The Bible is Enduring.

The scripture are the permanent and Enduring message from God. We do not need to look further, or for some new and different word from God. He has revealed himself fully in Jesus Christ and the story of it has been written in His words. It is the sufficient revelation until Christ returns. The word of the Lord abides forever. (1pet.1:25).


Bible, The Christians textbook

The Bible is a religious book. It is a textbook to provide the teaching and wisdom that a Christian needs to live out the Christian life. The Bible is not a book about science, mathematics, or philosophy. Bible is a book about religion, about how God deals with men. It is able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

God's people are to teach it. God gave to Moses instructions that the people were to be taught the word of God. They were to teach it in the homes to their children in everyday experience of life, sitting in the house, walking in the path, before sleeping and upon rising from bed. It was to be their daily guide.

GOLDEN TEXT; "Study to show yourself approved before God, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth". (2tim.2:15).

Let us commit ourselves a new to an appreciation of,and a renewed love for the word of God. Let us pray for understanding of the Bible that we may become mature Christian made in the likeness of Christ. Then, let us share the word of God with others.

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The Bible has the power to change lives if you study it and apply it to your life. Simply immersing yourself in the Bible if you're already saved can cause you to grow spiritually if you put into practice what you're learning as the Holy Spirit works in your life.

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