Wisdom For Creativity

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Let me begin my saying that wisdom is a principal thing. No wonder the Scriptures says in all thy getting get wisdom The ability to know what to do,when to do and how to do it, refers to wisdom so for you to be successful in life you need wisdom.

what is creativity? it is the ability to create or invent something. that's to do something new, the ability do something that no one else as done before,to get result. So wisdom for creativity can be defined as the ability to apply relevant knowledge, in an insightful way,

Psalms 104:24 O Lord, how many and varied are Your works! In wisdom have You made them all; the earth is full of Your riches and Your creatures. it took God wisdom to create a new world out of nothing,also God created us in his own image and that makes us a co-creator. So you can get wisdom for creativity by looking unto God. Because God our father is creative and innovative. so creative innovation and potential exists in us. always look to God for inspiration, ideas and creativity.


(1) the thoughts that it's for gifted people only that's a wrong assumption, God created everyone with gift and creativity. What you have to do is to locate your own area of ability and stay focus.

(2) having Impossibility mindsets the worst thing that can ever happen to you, is to disbelief in yourself. Always believe in
yourself and ideas, change your mind from Impossibility and you will make it. Remember, all things are possible for those that believe.

(3) fear of getting it wrong so many people have a good idea that can make them relevant but the fear of getting it wrong or failing cripples their good idea. Get this to your skull, fear is the greatest weapon the devil used to destroy great minds and ambitions and also, it might interest you to know that Nothing kills a man than fear when fear take a whole of your heart then you are done for. Kill fear and go all out to succeed, don't think of failing because you have the ability to make it happen. For the fact that you try and fail, doesn't make you a failure. You are a failure because you stopped trying.

Finally, always look up to God,for he is the giver of wisdom, ideas,inspiration, and creativity. Learn to kill these factors that will make you not creative. The world today is looking for creativity. You can see that in fashion world, music, business, technology etc. Add the wisdom of God in you to your ideas and be creative then you will rule your world.

Until I come your way again, remain blessed.


Thank you my brother, wisdom is very important in creating ideas and powerful things on this World. When we acquire wisdom, we must give praise to almighty God.

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