Make us Instruments of peace

in HeartChurch4 years ago

In a world where there's so much chaos and unrest, God has placed us as His children to radiate and be instruments of peace. The world needs peace and harmony to thrive. And only those who have this peace from God can pass it on to others. Peace is indeed and essential commodity.


To have peace is to have rest of mind and joy within. And this kind of joy is not controlled by things and events; it's joy everlasting and from God. To have peace is knowing that God is in control irrespective of what you may be going through. It is a state of not letting anything whatever burden your heart or make your worried.

Many have allowed certain things to becloud their minds and take their joy and happiness away. Some have resorted to a worrying lifestyle that doesn't change anything rather escalates the problem. There's need for us to preach peace to all men. Where there's no peace, there can't be any growth or development because unity is absent.

By preaching peace, I mean pointing many to Jesus Christ because He is the Prince of Peace and the giver of peace. When you have Jesus, you have peace but when you don't, you tend to be very far away from peace. You can't get peace elsewhere or from things. True and lasting peace is only from Jesus.

Having peace comes with a lot of benefits and advantages and this makes having peace very important. When you have peace in your heart, your thought pattern will definitely be productive. A man that has no peaceful mind cannot think creatively, innovatively and productivity. His thoughts will always be scattered.

A peaceful man will always radiate peace wherever he goes. People will always want to be around a peaceful fellow unlike one that is the opposite. Jesus Christ left His peace with us at it is left for us to walk into it and claim it. It is important that we have peace and then also follow it with all me. Jesus alone can give you a lasting peace.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

God bless you

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