A Defined Direction

in HeartChurch3 years ago


What a month July was!
Counting all the blessings of last month and all I can say is thank you Lord for everything.
For all the blessings, the favour, and the love.
The Love of God is higher than my mind can know, it is deeper than the oceans floor and even greater than the curse of sin.
God's love is more than gold.

Today 1st of August begins a new journey.
I know that the good Lord that has started this day and month with us, will see us through and even beyond Amen.
I believe and I am certain that God will be with us every step of the way as we journey through this month and even the remaining months in the year 2021.

New Goals! A Defined Direction!

Yeah, it's another new month to set ultimate goals with defined directions.
What are your goals for this month? What do you plan on doing and how well have you made those plans?
Are you just gonna waste your days living as it pleases you? Will you just live your life by chance? Or will you make plans for your life and follow them each step of the way?

I believe that we all have written down our visions and goals for the new month and that we will do everything in our power and with God's help to achieve all the goals we have drafted out.

What about directions? Are we only setting goals without having directions? I pray that this shall not be our portion in Jesus' name.
I pray that with every goal set that God shall give us directions and that he shall be our guide and lead us every step of the way.

May we not just live life by chance but by choice.
May God direct our step into the right path.
May our goals and visions for the new month be in accordance with the will of God for our lives in Jesus' name Amen.

Happy New Month Beloved of God!
Happy Sabbath Day!



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