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RE: ⚠️ More Booming Abuse?

in Mosquito Squishers3 years ago (edited)

I've muted the duplicate comment.

There are a few points that I'd like to challenge your viewpoint on...


Yes. If you look at the top 1,000 users - which is roughly all the users who have 10,000 SP or more - 75% of their Steem is delegated. That's predominantly UpVu and TipU. i.e. Centralization of votes. Which upvote 1 person - the delegator.

The difference with the centralization that I highlight above, is that once these users receive these votes, they increase their delegation to UpVu and the cycle continues, therefore increasing the centralization you despise so much.

So when steemcurators upvote "a centralized group of users", they are supporting users who do not instantly delegate it to UpVu, don't withdraw it to the exchanges - i.e. they support people who then put this money back into the community.

Where do you think that the people who upvote you get their power from? They certainly haven't invested the money themselves.

club5050, club75 and club100, have caused a division in the ecosystem of preference and abuse

Abuse existed long before club5050 and will continue to exist irrespecitve of whatever initiative Steemit launches in order to create a balanced economy which in time can be sulf-sufficient. If Steemit stop upvoting people, the only change you'll see is that EVERYBODY with power will move towards the UpVu centralization model or withdraw their funds. Will this help you to earn enough to feed your family?

Has steemcurator caused a division? No. The division is there because as I state above, the people with power primarily fill their own pockets and don't support the community.

What if steemcurator and booming disappear?

In the month of February, across the combined booming and steemcurator accounts, 1,740 different users received support from Steemit. There are tools available if you wish to see how biased they are. Then take the time to see what the people they're supporting are doing with their stake,

Let's look at janemorane as an example - 7 upvotes in the past 2 weeks.

janemorane has upvoted 88 different users in February. If every user in that list of 1,740 supports 88 people, Steemit's indirectly upvoting over 150,000 users (admittedly this number will be far smaller due to users upvotes overlapping).

Whereas if Steemit didn't do this, those 150,000 users wouldn't have received votes - because the money would be with UpVu - or at an exchange.

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the clubs are at this time and distinction of preferences, is the closest thing to racism

You should know by now that the world is racist. Steemit is probably the least racist community that you will ever be a part of.

Your reply contains a long rant (not for the first time) so I've shared my perspective with you, perhaps you will share yours with me.

What do you think will happen if Steemit stops supporting the community - albeit, with a perceived centralization of votes?


A mi parecer, centralizar los votos a los integrantes de club100 o club75 va a causar más daño del que ya han causado, desde que esto comenzó en Octubre nadie puede negar como los votos, comentarios, El hacer comunidad ha bajado, nos es lo mismo que 15000 usuarios te hagan comunidad a que solo te la hagan los 1740 soportes y 88 usuarios diferentes que mencionas, igual este trabajo que intentan hacer será en vano cuando varios de esos 88 personas que indicas, luego de tener la dicha de pertenecer al club100 y engordar sus billeteras con un gran SP, un día veas que apaguen su cuenta y ese apoyo que indicas se va en retiro o para otra red con HIVE, entonces @endingplagiarism los clubes solo estan atrasando una realidad y es que el ecosistema no esta funcionando.

Mientras el equipo de steemit nos tiene amarrados con tantas reglas con los clubes, otros como por ejemplo UpVu y TipU se estan beneficiando aun más, se estan viendo más beneficiados porque nosotros estamos contribuyendo a eso, pienso que el equipo de steemit es asiático o chino y solo se estan burlando de nosotros al usarnos para invertir el 50%, 75% y hasta el 100% y solo ellos pueden disfrutar a su antojo del pozo de recompensas.

@steemitblog @steemcurator01 y todo el equipo, suelten nuestras manos, necesitamos apoyo, el beneficiar a solo 88 personas no resuelve nada, en 6 meses que han transcurrido con los clubes, el deterioro del ecosistema se puede ver y sentir, ya verán que igual esos 88 usuarios apagaran y se irán, la mejor manera de contribuir al ecosistema es masificar los votos que en vez de centrarse en 88, lleguen a miles, tanto critican al sistema UpVu y TipU, cuando ustedes están haciendo lo mismo.


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