In search of space objects

in Popular STEM3 months ago

In search of space objects

The most controversial of all Space objects is planet 9, perhaps it is the most intense search at the moment, this would be a real planet, it would not be a dwarf planet like Pluto, it would be larger than the Earth, it would be a planet with capital letters, it is a controversial object because there are many debates.

Scientists first proposed the existence of a planet nine in 2016, the intention was to explain the strange orbits that several large objects had within the Kuiper belt since they were not normal, it gave the impression that something had altered those orbits, the belt The Kuiper ring is a huge ring of icy asteroids and other ice-based objects that surround the sun beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Some researchers believe that these objects have been gravitationally altered by the existence of a planet, a planet that we do not know yet, has not yet been found, but the calculations they have made is that it must surely be, to cause these effects, an icy gas giant. about seven times more massive than Earth, which would make it the fifth largest planet in the solar system.

It wouldn't be bad at all, however, the planet could be extremely far away, possibly orbiting our sun once every 10,000 years, which means that it would be very difficult to detect it, and here you may wonder if exoplanets that are tens away can be captured. of light years you can even see some, especially if they are young and hot planets, you can still see them; Why can't we capture this planet that is in the solar system, which is much closer.

The question is how we capture exoplanets, we capture them basically because they pass in front of their star causing a Mini eclipse and the few that can be captured with light or with other spectrums, radio sometimes by other types of filter waves are because they are very large Jupiter type and they are young and still hot, the problem is that this particular one in the solar system is not going to pass in front of the sun because it is obviously much beyond the sun and it is not hot, nor is it big, nor It will not reflect light either because it is so far away that the very little light that reaches it from the sun can barely illuminate it, so detecting it will be very complicated, not impossible, but complicated.

A planet of that size could certainly be a gas giant, but there are proposals that say it could be a super-Earth. A super-Earth is a planet like the Earth, that is, rocky, although in this case it would have a lot of ice, but of a larger size. that the earth, that is why it is super earth, however, would have a solid surface, that is the important thing.

And what research on icy worlds like Pluto has shown us is that icy worlds are not the frozen, still, boring things that were thought in the past, but that they have activity, they could even have an atmosphere, a titan-like world, for example, that it is a very cold world and that it has an atmosphere and that it has its own dynamics, it has seas and lakes,

The point is that this planet nine has not yet been found, however, astronomers have a lot of hope in the operation of new telescopes. Last Generation telescopes, much more powerful and that can capture those small differences in brightness and above all can capture the temperature difference of that planet because any object in the cosmos, any asteroid planet or comet or an astronaut, will always be a little hotter than the bottom of the space where it is located and that is an advantage for astronomers because with that That small detail could try to capture that world that would be in our own solar system.

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