The life expectancy of black holes

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The life expectancy of black holes

The known black holes are divided into stellar-mass black holes and supermassive, stellar-mass black holes are created when a massive star of more than 30 solar masses reaches the end of its life, which is much shorter than that of small stars. like the sun and then that massive star explodes in a supernova, expelling its outer layers and compressing its core, which sinks under the action of gravity.

If the core ends up with less than 2.25 solar masses it becomes a neutron star, but if the core exceeds 3 solar masses then the core will not be able to withstand the force of gravity and will end up sinking into a singularity, it is created. then a black hole.

If you wonder what happens between 2.25 masses and 3 solar masses, that is one of the great mysteries of astronomy. It could be something intermediate or something different from what we know. It is a question that most astronomers ask. I would like to answer, whoever discovers what is happening will have a ticket to get a Nobel, but the point is that at the moment the black holes that we know have at least three solar masses, there are no smaller ones or at least we have not found them until now. date.

There is a theory that states that during the Big Bang, smaller black holes could form, they would be primordial black holes, although today after 13.8 billion years there would not be all of them left, since the small ones would have evaporated due to the radiation hacking.


NASA has published a graph that explains what the life expectancy of a black hole would be depending on its size and what diameter its event horizon or successor horizon would have, for example, a black hole with a human mass of about 70 kg. weight would be subatomic in size and would end up evaporating in just 0.41 seconds; A black hole with the mass of the Great Pyramid of Egypt would be the size of a proton and would live only 381,000 years. If we compressed the mass of Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, we would have a black hole the width of 33 uranium atoms. and its existence would be about a billion years.

Things get interesting. Given the mass of the dwarf planet Ceres, which is 946 km in diameter, that black hole with that mass would have the diameter of a bacteria and could exist today.

What would happen if the entire mass of our planet was compressed until it reached the density of a black hole, it would have the diameter of a US 10 cent coin which is almost 18 mm, the most amazing thing is that if the earth were instantly transformed into a hole black the satellites, the international space station, the Chinese space station and even the Moon itself would continue to circle unchanged around that tiny black hole, barely 18 mm in size, which the earth would have become, because the power of gravitational attraction of a black hole is what gives it its mass and the mass has not changed, it is still the same as the Earth had.

The difference is that now in this imaginary hypothesis, the entire mass of the earth is concentrated or submerged within the event horizon of that earth transformed into a black hole.

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