Very terrestrial extraterrestrial signals.

in Popular STEM2 years ago

Very terrestrial extraterrestrial signals.


The eye of the sky, officially known as the FAST 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, is the largest and most sensitive single-dish telescope in the world, an engineering marvel whose gigantic structure is built inside a natural basin in the mountains of Guizhou in China.


A few days ago, the Chinese state daily newspaper of science and technology published an article in which the possibility that it had captured a signal originating from extraterrestrial technology was mentioned.


But shortly after the article was withdrawn, those claims were met with skepticism by his fellow scientists, for example, Dan Werther, a researcher in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence at the University of California at Berkeley and a co-actor in the research project that detected signals for the first time.

He said the narrowband radio signals he and his fellow researchers found come from radio interference from humans and not aliens, and this is because natural sources don't typically produce narrowband radio signals.

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So it is confirmed it was us?

Yes, that's right, that was like his hazing!!

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