Trumpet Wine flower

in StockPhotos2 years ago

Hello friends, I hope you all are well and healthy. Stay in your home and be safe, enjoy your life.

Trumpet Wine Flower

My photography today is about the Trumpet Wine Flower . It is a high-climbing, aggressively colonizing woody vine to 35 ft., climbing or scrambling over everything in its path by aerial rootlets. The pinnately compound leaves with 4 to 6 pairs of leaflets and a terminal one on an axis up to 12 inches long. Leaflets dark green on the upper surface, lighter on the lower, broadly to narrowly ovate, with coarse teeth, an elongate tip, and a rounded to wedge shaped base, the blade extending along the petiolule (leaflet stem) to its base. Flowers showy, waxy, broadly trumpet shaped, up to 3 1/2 inches long, orange to reddish orange, clustered at the ends of branches, appearing throughout the summer. Fruit a pod up to 6 inches long with 2 ridges running lengthwise, tapering more gradually to the base than to the tip, and roughly round in cross section. I took the opportunity and took the photos. Which i am going to share with my friends. I wish that you'll be happy after seeing this.





I post on Steemit every day with a different kind of photography and new idea, and here I get to learn new things every day, it's a very happy day for me every day. I thank the Steemit community for giving us this platform.

Photos captured by@arvindkumar
Camera DeviceSamsung M31 Rear Camera 64MP
CategoryTrumpet Wine flower photography
EditedCaptured one

Have a good day.
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