Digital portrait painting in photoshop, weird colors

in StockPhotos3 years ago


Hello everyone, i am very excited to share my new digital portrait painting with you all. There was no prior drawing like a pencil drawing ball point pen drawing of this. Drawn completely in photoshop.
I had fun working on this one.
I wasn't sure about changing the colors this much but i think i like it better than the ref image.

Here are some process shots of this drawing:

Screenshot (707).png

Screenshot (708).png

Screenshot (709).png

Screenshot (710).png

Screenshot (711).png

Screenshot (712).png

Screenshot (713).png

Reference image used for this drawing....


Felicidades, muy bonito tu arte.


I am also learning Photoshop.
You did really a nice job!!
Have a nice day

thank you.

nice job!


What a talent, I love everything you did in this digital portrait, and especially your style, it is incredible.

thank you very much

Can you please tell me the type of brushes you used for drawing in Photoshop and also from where to get them.
I am very much confused.

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