The achievement of a good habit is constant persistence every day

in StockPhotos3 years ago

Today we are going to talk about a more relaxed topic. Do you still remember how the good habits that you developed back then came about? Is it because of perseverance every day and then slowly forming a habit?
In fact, during my trip to Malaysia, I still insisted on completing the day classes that I needed to do every day. This day class is to read two pages of Chinese medicine books every day, because the teacher said that our modern education is not comparable to the education of the ancient times. It’s harder to read Chinese classical Chinese. Only by reading and reviewing constantly will there be room for improvement. Even if you are traveling, you have to put two books in your bag.

Moreover, the voice must not be read silently. Sometimes I wonder, why can't the sound be read silently, but the sound must be read? I thought about it, and I also went to check with the teacher. It was probably like this with the interpretation of Chinese medicine. When we were reading aloud, we were proclaiming our lung qi. I once did an experiment, which was to wake up in the morning. , I read the book for half an hour, and then I can go to the big intestine very smoothly, and vice versa. According to Chinese medicine, the lung and the large intestine are on the outside, so when I ventilate my lungs, I can also give the large intestine some peristalsis. Energy, then it can help the large intestine to defecate. I told the teacher what I thought of, and the teacher said that it was indeed the case, so we had to read the voice out, and now I understand the teacher's painstaking efforts.

Moreover, reading aloud has the following advantages: it is conducive to the development of the right brain. Because the essence of reading aloud is that readers are self-appreciating their own voices. Over time, it is conducive to the self-cultivation of students' image thinking ability; reading aloud, because the brain is in a state of extreme excitement, this in itself can stimulate students to deeply understand articles and books . Actually, I am a relatively introverted person, but since I continue to read aloud every day, I feel as if I have become a little more extroverted. Sometimes I am willing to make comments. Is this the charm of reading aloud? Haha, I think it has a little effect, but since reading aloud has so many benefits, then stick to it!

It is not easy to develop a good habit, but the good habit you have developed cannot be changed day by day, because success requires constant persistence. Today’s sharing is over. If you like me, you can like me or follow me. We will share more fun and interesting information with you regularly in the future, so stay tuned.

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