Wolf Witness Statement: Steem Protective Soft Fork 222

in Steem Governance5 years ago (edited)

Today, on the 23th Februrary of 2020 at 10PM UTC, the majority of Steem witnesses have accepted a temporary soft fork (v0.22.2), which immediatly prohibits certain operations from Steemit Inc owned accounts.

This software update is temporary, reversible and no other accounts have and will be affected.

More information about the soft fork can be found in this post:


As a consensus witness & stakeholder, it is my N°1 priority to ensure the safety & governance of Steem, the blockchain.

As such, I've decided to run the proposed SF, with the goal to ensure the protection of Steem, which has always been threatened by the ninjamined stake, but even more so due to the recent purchase of Steemit Inc by an external party.

More information about the soft fork and the arguments around it, can be found in this post:


Personal Note

Over the past 2 1/2 years, I've invested sweat & tears into Steem. For the possibilities, this blockchain & community has given me, I'm extremely grateful. Which is why I believe that running the SF is the right thing to do.

I always had some kind of faith in things turning out okay. "Once SMTs & communities are here, we'll thrive" was my motto. But the more I looked into the early history of Steem and what I've witnessed over time, the more disturbed I became, regarding what went wrong.

Most importantly, how Steem was launched (ninjamine, chain-wipe, hyperinflation & co.) and how absurd the distribution was tilted towards Steemit Inc. owning the far majority of Steem. On top of that, how bad the outside image got, because of exactly this reason.

I trusted that Steemit Inc, or rather Ned Scott, would do the correct thing with this ninjamined stake, or rather what was promised in the past (Example: Youtube Video), as in using it to support Steem & its ecosystem, as well as distribute it to reduce the risk of centralisation.

But what I didn't expect, was for him to sell his company right when we were on the cusp of thriving. I could talk a lot about personal responsability and all of that, but that's not what this note is about.

The immense value Steem provides, is in part due to Steemit Inc, but has been mainly created by many, many community-developers, -entrepreneurs, -creators & stakeholders. And this is what we have to support & protect, starting with this soft fork.

As I wrote in the beginning of the post, this SF is only temporary to ensure that the ninjamined stake can't be used to maliciously attack our blockchain.

The goal is to find a mutual compatible solution with Steemit Inc on how the stake can be used to benefit Steem, without explicitely having to trust "words". Because, as we've seen now, words can easily be broken, code can not.

We are Steem!


If you agree with me on this, then please vote for me as witness to ensure the governance of this blockchain.


So every time we get a big investor we'll fork his stake out.
Very smart approach.
What are you gonna do if he buys another 50M steem on exchanges?
Another fork?
But I guess there won't be a lot of big investors around anytime soon.
Sun will find a way to screw us over if he wants. Sure bet.

 5 years ago 

This isn't about Justin or Tron. This is primarily about the Steemit Inc stake and making sure it's used for Steem and not against it.

What if Samsung buys 150M steem from exchanges tomorrow. Would you fork their stake out too?

 5 years ago 

No, of course not. It would be amazing if Samsung were to buy 150m Steem. This would most def. pump the price extremely hard and I don't think there is even that much Steem available for purchase right now.

Also, this has nothing to do with Tron buying the stake or with Tron now being a big stakeholder. It has everything to do with Steemit Inc and their premise on what the ninja mined stake was supposed to be used for. If Tron bought the stake, without knowledge of what it entails, well then there are going to be some problems we have to work out.

 5 years ago (edited)

okok but what iiiiif bill gates buys a trillion steem, will u fork?!

sorry felt like I had to point out how ridiculously hypothetical the previous examples were and he still didn't get the point of why we're protecting steem from this stake compared to say freedom/btrades/theycallmedan/future investors

Well, I'm stupid and you're smart. All steemians know that but we'll see who's right.
I claim that this will have a bad outcome for steem blockchain and price of steem.
But I definitely don't want that, for sure.

funny how principles change, depending on who owns what, isn't it?
Why didn't the soft fork happen before with neds stake?

ah but that's different, it was based on trust.
But we are a trust less system.
(NPC head explodes)

....seems like I'm just as stupid as you...

Proof of stake is the best.
As long yours or the one's who supports you is the biggest of course.

Fair point. And atleast Justin is bringing resources to the table, while Ned was a bit clueless and didn't even use social media

 5 years ago (edited)

lol nvm, thought it was oldstone who replied

Thank you. I even wrote an essay about how even robots like @penguinpablo make automated reports TELLING us how much steem is even on all exchanges and its barely 100M so yeah not even that much to begin with to even buy lol. and at that point no one wants to sell OTC for low prices, ur stuck payin market price. we are gonna be ballin one more or maybe 2 more 3 more times. fuck it steem will go up and down every few years for decades its gonna last as long as MATH is good and i doubt any quantum computers will be breaking basic encryption anytime soon. I see steem as good for centuries.

Thank you. Yeah hes telling us to back up our data externally is somehow like offensive to the original hard drive manufacturer? LOL

I even wrote an essay about how even robots like @penguinpablo make automated reports TELLING us how much steem is even on all exchanges and its barely 100M so yeah not even that much to begin with to even buy lol. and at that point no one wants to sell OTC for low prices, ur stuck payin market price. we are gonna be ballin one more or maybe 2 more 3 more times. fuck it steem will go up and down every few years for decades its gonna last as long as MATH is good and i doubt any quantum computers will be breaking basic encryption anytime soon. I see steem as good for centuries.

No, of course not. It would be amazing if Samsung were to buy 150m Steem.

Well, it is about Sun after all.

And he only bought like what, 40m Steempower? How much does steemit inc hold? I heard they have like 1/3rd of all staked steempower at one point, like im sure 100M but now im guessing 50M? Justin Sun should auto upvote the top #tron posts on steemit iun a fan, full spread photon torpedos, just make a GODL rush for anyone making TROn steemit posts, and use TRON accounts to verify people , so if people wanta sSTEEM wallket youll need a tron wallet 9I tried to do something similar with Steempeak and Telos )

I asking myself, why the wittness dont make that in the time when Steemit inc and Ned was making a power down???? Why nobody made that time anything when they hurt us so much? There was only crying and hate that time, but none of the wittness was realy anyting to stop them that time....

And to be honest telling: How much did Steemit inc and Ned done that STEEM and SBD are on more exchanges? We as comunity did it by voting that we got on the list on new exchanges, not them! Or the development of the system goes further (faster) ? It was more as an milking cow for them. That little shitty UI updates... was for nothing in the past years.

If i am wrong, what i am remembering, that anyone can correct me, i am open for it.

But this softfork seems not the best way in my eyes. it creates more hate and fear. This is not what we want.

@therealwolf, you been allways a good Witness with fairness and looking for non fight options, but that move to freeze the Stakes are to much, arent?

bruh i HATE that you are nostrafuckin damus

We are still samsungs allies, youre the one using their name to sow chaos and deceitful division in the community. DOnt be so dramatic. When we see TRX STEEMp on https://tron.newdex.io we will be very happy, and when STEEMP on tron gets pegged and bought by USERS on samsung pohones great but SAMSUNG doesnt buy crypto they make phones, youre a ll delusional about what it means for a big name brand player to come into the space lol samsung isnt some big whale who comes ina nd buys steem you boomer :D They make PHONES, The fact that they come with TRX wallets is the part that could LEAD to people buying TRX STEEM not some deal where SAMSUNg buys it lol

if samsung wanted steem theyd buy it on exchanges for btc so they could power up or theyd just get it DIRECTLY FROM @justinsunsteemit for an OTC deal hehe


youre so ignorant and your upvoters are just being dramatic. these gusy are 100% within their rights to create a fucking open source fork oif steem anytime they want. STeem is made of developers, people, not private keys asshat. You cant just buy a blockchain, he bought steemit inc, he didnt really buy any steem lol

justin Sun is a great investor and businessman, and youre using strawman style tactics to make us look liek we hate him and are being protectionist or somethin lol these aint no thought tarrifs, we are just backing up teh chain bruh lol

look up @golosclassic https://golosclassic.com aka https://golos.id

"For my next act, watch me cut these bitches off"

Just sit back and enjoy the infowar

I support this move. It’s a temporary, non-hostile action that simply covers the bases of all the incredible users, creators, developers, investors and businesses who have built a home here on the Steem blockchain. Thank you for both doing your part as a witness for Steem and keeping the rest of the community in the loop. 💪🏽

Posted via Steemleo

 5 years ago (edited)

Well said. You have been one of my favorite witnesses who is always willing to think things through and work for the best outcomes despite significant setbacks and very justified frustrations.

 5 years ago 

Thank you, @smooth. An honour to read that from you!

This is a very good idea/move towards the protection of the blockchain, it has to be decentralized rather than getting affected by an entity that can greatly influence witnesses in doing what the top 20 witnesses doesn't like.

Way to go guys!

There's an old Arabic saying (from the prophet Mohammed i think):

"Trust in God, but tie your camel"

Thanks for doing so.

Please consider the Matrix-8 Platform as a future system of governance for Steem. More here: https://steempeak.com/hive-174578/@atma.love/matrix-8-cube-spheres


Thank you for all your hard work and the work of so many others to give creators like me a place to make a brand and learn about cryptocurrency. I actually made a lot of money on exchanges as well because of Steemit. I love you all and have always supported you <3

I am happy to see so many of you guys, our top witnesses, to really cooperate and stand for our blockchain and community when it is needed. I mean this is not just talks but a real action. Thank you!

yeah im glad they are using "protection"

I wanna see lots of steem condom memes




US Military asked for this protective soft fork


Words can be easily easily broken, codes does not

In Blockchain developing wise

Well said @therealwolf.

Posted using Partiko Android