The Diary Game Betterlife | 15-May-2024

in Hot News Community19 days ago

Hello, I'm @afrin-mona

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

Today the morning started with tension. I wake up in the morning and tap my mobile to see if my registration exam result will be released today. So I got out of bed with a lot of tension. I have given my first registration exam this time. So there was a lot of tension about what would happen. After that, family work has to be done. I woke up and made tea and breakfast for everyone. We all had tea and breakfast together. After eating and drinking, I suddenly received a call on my mobile saying that my younger uncle is admitted to the government medical school. So I started cooking quickly. Today I made dal and potato filling for lunch. After that I cleaned the rooms and swept them.

I have sent my son to Madrasa. My son's math test will be today. It's his exam so he went to take the exam jokingly. At twelve o'clock I left my daughter with her sister and went to the medical center. I went to the medical school and saw my uncle. I came from there and went to the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and cooked meat for my son. It took a long time to cook the chicken today. Because I fried the meat one by one and cooked it. So that the meat is firm.


I finished cooking and washed many dishes. Meanwhile, the son has arrived. So I bathed the boy and fed him rice. His father brought a watermelon from the market. I put the watermelon in the refrigerator. After bathing the girl, we all finished eating and ate the watermelon. The inside of the watermelon was red in color. My son loves watermelon. So her father brought it for her. He loves to eat watermelon. After eating and drinking, I went to bed and put my daughter to sleep I did not realize that my eyes were closed in the meantime.


I got a little sleep and my daughter sat up. what else to do Mother has nothing to do. I got up with my daughter and carried her in my lap and did the work. Meanwhile father and son are sleeping. So I didn't call them anymore. I tied the goat outside with the girl. So I brought the goat home. It was very hot, I gave the goat water to drink. Meanwhile, I am repeatedly checking the mobile when the result will be. A friend suddenly called while the tension was increasing. The result has been publicized. Then I couldn't enter the link in a hurry to see the result. Finally got the result from my friend. The result is good. My tension was reduced a lot. The pre-result of the registration was released today. Then it will be returned. Retain should be completed in three to four months. So now you have to prepare for the return. But only a girl knows how to handle children. How difficult it is to manage the family and study. I am studying hard to settle in life.


I spent eight years in family life. Study in between. I do not know what Allah has written on the forehead. I called my husband and informed him. I told everyone in the house that the result has come. After that I cooked dinner for dinner. I put the rice in the rice cooker. But the current has gone and is not coming. Finally I went to the clay oven and cooked the rice. I brought cooked rice from the clay oven. My son does not want to eat anything. So I fed him some rice. After eating and drinking, I chatted with my friends. I inquired about everyone. I fell asleep while tapping the mobile phone.

This was my program for the whole day today.

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