"Contest Alert!!! | | Public and Private Hospitals"

Hello steemers, hope you are enjoying the various articles on this community and as well as tender notes of appreciation. I'm pleased to welcome you all to join and support this contest which I'm participant tilted: Private and Public Hospital.

Just as we know that the society is a functional organ that has many component part and elements working together. One of such elements is the hospital ,as a structure which cannot be separated from humans because there survival rests on a functional hospital system. It is on this note, this article finds it fitting to raise a dialectical argument between the effectiveness and efficacy in the performance of the public and private hospital in a bid to support life and guarantee health of community members.

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Sometimes we wonder what is a hospital, a hospital is structure that is built to cater for the ill patients,children and mental retarded ones. It is a home for the sick and is run by administrators who are mostly medical professionals such as doctors,nurses, dentists, clinical psychologist, pediatricians, etc. It is a known fact that, one of the index of economic growth and development in any clime, is the effectiveness of the medical facility to support life hence reducing mortality.

         Difference between private and public hospital

In our clime like Nigeria, the fragmentation of hospital system has polarized into public and private. Public hospital, this facility is own and managed by the state could be state government or federal government, while the private hospital are mostly owned by individuals or partners who come together to establish it for the purpose of rendering service as well as making money. Both perform same transaction and serve same purpose but a lot of argument have emerged to show unique disparity in terms of service, products, facilities and accessibility to medical attention especially in emergency situations.

Hospitals which are a public in structure and ownership is termed to be the best in terms of facility, professionals and mode of service. But it remains only an armed chaired concept which never sees light of the day which is supported by the points below.

Grossly understaffed medical professionals. This is because of the poor salaries renumeration, incessant strikes and kind of attitude by the government towards this institution has crippled their effectiveness
Also, the increase emigration to other climes for greener pastures has affected the public hospital as the best hands who should be there now find themselves abroad. This encourages brain drain.
Oftentimes, public hospitals lack the needed drugs and injections because of deficit budget and poor planning.
In similar vein, poor attitude to work by workers has made matters worse. This workers lack the motivation to work because of prolonged unpaid salaries and end up playing with lives in reckless manner.

On the contrary, with the growth of capitalism and privatisation schemes, there has been an encouraging interest in hospital with emphasis on private hospital.
Private hospital are effective and more preferred based on the points below.

       How the cost of treatment is different from public and private hospital

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Quick and fast attention to patients; private hospital are conscious that lives are sacred valuables that should not be played with. Hence, engage the services of the best hands to man or handle certain services based on the degree of proficiency and speciality. This has led to mortality rate unlike compared to public hospitals.

Well funded medical facility unlike it's counter part. All need medics, professionals and facility that are needed as support are provided especially a standard theatre room for surgical operations with steady light.

Notwithstanding the immense joys derived from the effectiveness of private hospital,it has still caused more problems. This range from high medical bills for the service rendered and has turned a lot of families to debtors especially those who can't pay their bills.

As privately funded, it leads to unhealthy competition with other hospitals because everyone wants to be the best and more patients to patronize the facility.
Unlike the public hospital, the medical bills is often cheap, at a discount rate or free in certain situations. This leads to increase support and patronage from the public.


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          Have you been hospitalized

Oh yes, I was hospitalized at one time I lost my uncle due to carelessness from the hospital he was admitted. Failure to run a thorough medical checkup led to an internal bleeding that cost his life, do sad.

Despite the records of private hospital to be the best facility which makes it better alternative to public ones. I prefer public hospital because it is more equiped and with specialized medical specialist. In certain states,we see areas where public hospital remains domain and performing effectively to serve humanity. But,we shouldn't forget that the policies of modern government have affected and tried to bedridden the noble intentions of the establishment of these hospitals across the state. When it comes to best professionals it can only be obtained in public hospital but brain drain has drifted them off shore.

In conclusion, private and public hospital are essential and integral component of the society and hence cannot be separated totally from humans. Their survival, well being and existence relies on a working medical system that supports life. Despite the hurdles that affects both hospitals, their immense value cannot be over emphasized as the popular adage will always say “health is wealth”.

 last month 

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