Hot news diary for 14/4/2024|| Steemit promotion on AKBC radio show

in Hot News Community2 months ago


On a beautiful Sunday morning, I woke up very tired due to my previous activities on Saturday but when I look ahead to what I will do within the day I decided to start early.

It was on that morning I realised that adulthood needs matured minds to face responsibilities that lies before them. It was that same morning I realised that not all adult are mature, I really understood the word maturity.

Smiling princess

So after my early morning motivation, I prepared watchtower and was more strengthened by the topic by this time my baby and her dad was up and we had our morning worship together then I bathe and dressed up for meeting.

Dressed up for meeting

The meeting was really interesting, the public lecture was about forgiving one another, it is very important that one needs to take the initiative to make peace with one another and forgive freely else our prayers will be hindered. The watchtower also has a reassuring lessons to learn which strengthens our hope about the future which Jehovah reassures us that he will never abandon us near the end of great tribulation, he will be with his faithful ones Jehovah loves us so much and will never abandon us.


Coming back home refreshed, I ate Afang soup with fufu swallow and helped baby took her first nap on the day. When she slept, I continued my curation as it was my curation day then once done, I continued with the activities I needed to do by that morning hours, I had online lectures on a programme I'm running the class lasted for 3 hours. By this time my daughter was still sleeping.

Screenshot from Facebook

It was time for the radio show @ubongudofot had so I tuned on my radio to join the program and at some certain point I feel like watching him live so I switch to live broadcast on his twitter handle but network wasn't allowing it to flow well, I then went to Facebook and watch him live on AKBCPR which was also live. I was so proud of him and decided to share it on my Facebook wall and my WhatsApp status for others to also join and hear steemit being advertised for any interesting investors or content creators.

Time was set aside for calls from People and they actually asked meaningful questions and he answered them. You can also read about this on his blog Radio show at AKBC 90.5 FM- Uyo was a success!

This was really a nice one ubongudofot, I commend you on this, you flowed very well, you were audible, your English was fluent and understandable to your audience I enjoyed your show. Looking forward to more shows or how about having a weekly or monthly programme like this to encourage interesting investors.

Watch the broadcast here

In the evening, I actually went out to our business place and I even met him there we gisted and we shared some memories together. He also had fun time with his niece.

My baby enjoying his uncle

I had some good times with my hubby and brother my tiredness was wiped off as I took some drinks and chewable.

Catfish barbeque

Chilling with my glass of drink

I was actually refreshed spending time with the important people in my life, the men that matters most to me, the men mount that I have.


It was a beautiful Sunday full with activities and ended with some joyful moments.

Steemit is actually a nice place to be for both investors and content creators, people are really on my DM and I'm guiding them on how to sign up.


 2 months ago 

Thank you for listening and joining the live through AKBC Facebook official page.

I am glad, many also joined through the link you shared.

Activities like this would be continued.
The little seat out after the radio interview was awesome....😊

Thank you for attaining to enquiries from those varrious people.

If any decides to join and made an intro post.., you could make a post and list them with their intro post, tag me as well.

 2 months ago 

Ok no problem I will

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You probably had a busy yet fulfilling Sunday, starting with morning worship and ending with a radio show promotion for Steemit on AKBC radio. It's inspiring to see such dedication to both personal and community activities. Keep up the great work! Steemit deserves to be promoted.

 2 months ago 

Busy activity

 2 months ago 

It's really a great moment and activity, have a nice day

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