Nine Tuha Peut of Gampong Tumpok Teungoh Taken Oath and Inaugurated

in Hot News Community23 days ago (edited)


The swearing-in process for elected Tuha Peut members.

Lhokseumawe News - A total of nine members of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) or Tuha Peut in Gampong Tumpok Teungoh took an oath and were inaugurated on Monday, (2/12/2024) at 15.10 WIB at the local village office, this inauguration is the filling of the vacancy of the old Tuha Peut management because they resigned before their term of office ended in the 2020-2026 period.

The nine Tuha Puet who were inaugurated were Ir. Yusyak (Chair), Rostina (Vice Chair), Faisal Rasyidis (Secretary), and Azwar, ST, Dr. Zul Akli, SH, MH, Misbahul Munir, Baihaqi, SE, MAP, Muhammad Fadlil and Murnilawati as members.

The event was also attended by a number of important guests, including Banda Sakti Sub-District Head Yuswardi Yunus, SKM, M.S.M, Banda Sakti Police Chief Iptu Zul Akbar, Danramil 16 Banda Sakti Captain Arm Junaidi, Forkopincam, Gampong Tumpok Teungoh Apparatus and a number of other invited guests.


The official authorized to deliver opening remarks

In his remarks, Banda Sakti Sub-District Head Yuswardi Yunus, SKM, M.S.M advised that tuha peut in carrying out their duties when facing a problem, no matter how small, must find a solution through deliberation.

"No matter how big or small the problem is, we must deliberate, do not be selfish or blame others for our selfishness," he pleaded.

He continued, the elected Tuha Peut
in Gampong Tumpok Teungoh has features that are not owned by other villages, namely in terms of relatively younger age and its members consist of highly educated people.

"What is more special is that there are S1, S2 and S3 education, this is difficult to find in other villages." He said.

In addition, Yuswardi also hopes that the newly appointed Tuha Peut can establish good cooperation with the Keuchik, especially in formulating the Village Budget for the benefit of the Community.

Especially considering that it is already at the end of the year, there are very urgent things that must be done immediately related to Village Expenditures which must be immediately evaluated and corrected, then agreed between Pj Geuchik and Tuha Peut, a memorandum of understanding is made and signed.

Pj Keuchik Gampong Tumpok Teungoh Tgk Muzzakir SY told this media crew that the Tuha Peut inauguration ceremony was successful without any obstacles. We also invited a number of other important guests, such as nine old Tuha Peut members and the former Keuchik of Gampong Tumpok Teungoh, H. Hermansyah, S.Ag.

Muzzakir also congratulated all elected Tuha Peut who had just been inaugurated, "Congratulations on carrying out your duties as mandated by the applicable law. Hopefully their presence can encourage village progress based on Islamic law,"he concluded.

 23 days ago 
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