How Can You Be Motivated to Learn ? @writingnreviews

in Writing & Reviews2 years ago

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Hello everyone, welcome to my blog let us all be healthy and easy on his fortune for all of us.

When we talked about the spirit of learning actually that in our psychology language it was talking about the concept of motivation.

So in my first article at this writing and benefit community, I was going to go over a little bit about how we can all be motivated to learn. I want to explain a theory first. So according to one philosopher whose theory is old enough for all of us.
The motivation for action as we live, there are actually only 2, now these 2 motivations are the underlying motivation for all our behaviors from such simple gestures as hand movements, eating and drinking to complex behaviors such as study or work.

What are the two types of motivations?

Now, the first motivation is that we do something to avoid suffering, whereas the second kind of motivation is that we do something to gain our happiness or do something only because those two are based on the theory, an example of what is done to avoid suffering for me is:

  1. Bowel Movement (BAB)
  2. Dispose of Garbage
  3. Get some eggs over to the store
  4. Take medicine
  5. Picking up a line
  6. Take sister to school, etcetera.

Well, on the other hand, an example of the thing to do for cave happiness is play dota, or game, traveling, hunting photos, dating, playing guitar and so on.

And everyone must have individual boxes to get their act motivated. There are many things that fall into the category of avoiding suffering for some people, but by some others it is considered an act of happiness, well example is learning. Some people learn to avoid suffering and others learn to find happiness, some people study out of curiosity about the world and others learn because of the fashion of the science, while others think of learning as fun, yes because they find it fun. But some may learn out of compulsion, out of parental necessity, out of an obsession with certain things or in need of recognition from others. But, that we should know is that there is a motivational formula that applies to everyone.

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Actions on the motivation to find happiness always provide more satisfaction than deeds done on the motivation to avoid suffering. If you are not in the spirit of learning possible for you to learn is to avoid your own suffering who consciously place your study in that box and view learning as exhausting and tedious. That's why you're unhappy doing it, because you might learn to avoid suffering instead of finding happiness.

It is also what distinguishes the motivation "to avoid suffering and to find happiness." If you learn to avoid suffering, you assume that you should learn, whereas learning to find happiness means learning because you want to learn not because you have to. And the simple difference between want and must certainly has a big effect. It's much cooler when you study because you want it to than you have to, because you're not forced to learn because it's self-willed.

Perhaps this is an excuse that makes you discouraged and eventually you tire out and then learn to be ineffective until you are confused. Why does your hard work continue to be inferior to others and perhaps this can be because you do not have fun learning. That's why studying is a burden on you. Well, then enjoy the exhaustion of your life.

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Thank you very much !!! @writingnreviews


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