{WRITING & REVIEWS} - Introduction post and guidelines

in Writing & Reviews5 years ago

Welcome to Writing & Reviews

This is a brand new community we decided to create with @belenguerra!

Here we hope you find the space and support to be as creative as you want. We're really looking forward to creating a place in which you feel inspired and encouraged to develop your writing skills.

Here you'll be able to find poems, stories and all sorts of writing. As well as this, reviews are also welcome! We'd love to hear about the movie you've seen, the book you've read and any other article you feel like sharing with us.

Feel free to post as much as you want and to participate in all the contests we'll be making!


So as to avoid any sort of issue, there are a couple of ground rules:

  • No plagiarism: Under no circumstances we will tolerate plagiarism. Any piece of writing you post should be a creation of your own. If you include pictures or a writing made by someone else, give them the credit for it.
  • No disrespectful comments: We won't tolerate racism, agression or any sort of abusive/offensive comment. Kindness and respect is key.
  • Be original and have fun!


As we have already started with this community, we are planning on organizing several contests for you to engage and have fun with us!

We have already brainstormed some cool ideas, so stay tuned!
Also, we're looking for sponsors that are willing to help us with prizes!


Got any friends that love writing but keep their creations to themself? Tell them about us and encourage them to join! Writing is a real fun activity and sharing with other can make you improve your skills and have a different perspective on how to develop your writing.

We'll also look for new members that want to make some money out of their creations. We will be recruiting them from different websites or blogs related to literature!


You are more than welcome to write and share in any language that you feel confident. This is a great opportunity for you to practice!

This sort of posts will be published in English and Spanish, since @belenguerra and I are from a native Spanish speaking country!

We hope to see you around!! Have fun!!

{Traducción al español}

Bienvenidos a Writing & Reviews

Esta es una comunidad nueva que decidimos crear junto con @belenguerra!

Esperamos que encuentres el espacio y apoyo para ser tan creativo como quieras. Esperamos que sea un lugar en el que te sientas inspirado y alentado a desarrollar tus habilidades de escritura.

Aquí encontrarás poemas, cuentos y todo tipo de escritos. A su vez, las reviews que quieras hacer también son bienvenidas! Nos encantaría saber de la película que viste, el libro que terminaste de leer y cualquier otro tipo de artículo que quieras compartir con nosotros.

Siéntete libre de publicar todo lo que quieras y de participar en todos los concursos que haremos!


Para evitar cualquier tipo de problema que pueda surgir, hay una serie de reglas que debemos cumplir:

  • No realizar plagio: Bajo ninguna circunstancia toleraremos el plagio. Cualquier escrito que publiques debe ser de tu autoría. Si incluyes fotos o un pedazo de escrito que no te corresponde, dale el crédito al autor original.
  • No realizar comentarios ofensivos: No toleraremos comentarios racistas, agresivos o que incluyan cualquier tipo de falta de respeto. Sé amable.
  • Sé original y diviértete!


Como ya hemos comenzado con esta comunidad, estamos organizando varios concursos para que participes y te diviertas con nosotros!

Ya hemos realizado un brainstorming, del cual surgieron ideas bastante interesantes, asíque no te las pierdas!
También, estamos en búsqueda de sponsors que nos quieran ayudar con los premios!


Tienes algún amigo que ame escribir, pero que se guarda sus creaciones para sí mismo? Cuéntale de nosotros y dile que se una! La escritura es una actividad realmente divertida y compartirlo con otros puede ayudarte a mejorar no sólo tus habilidades, sino también a tener una nueva perspectiva.

También estaremos buscando nuevos miembros que deseen generar dinero con sus creaciones. Buscaremos a estos nuevos usuarios en diferentes páginas web o blogs de literatura!


Eres bienvenido a publicar y compartir tus escritos en cualquier idioma que quieras. Esta es una gran forma de practicar otros idiomas aparte del nativo!

Éste tipo de publicaciones relacionadas a la comunidad serán realizados en español y en inglés, ya que @belenguerra y yo somos de un país de habla hispana.

Esperamos verte por aquí y que te diviertas!!


Hello, @fendit, I'm new to this community and I'm willing to follow the laid down guidelines and also to add more value to this wonderful community.
Is there anything i need to do to become a verified member?

 4 years ago 

You just need to post your selfie in the verification post! :)
Still, you can start posting right away if you want to,
welcome here!! We're really glad that you found this community interesting :)

Alright, I'll make an introductory post to this community,

I'm glad i found this community, the pleasure is all mine.

I did but never got verified

 5 years ago 

Hi everybody!! Finally, I can be here at least for a while!! How much I missed Stemit!! I've been thinking this two days about how @fendit created all this alone!! I supposed to help her, but it has been the busiest week in the year!! But here I am. Thanks a lot @fendit for this great job, and as she mentioned, this community, it's mostly to express yourself by the magic of words. Or perhaps you have seen an inspiring movie, or you've read the greatest book ever, an you need to share it, well my friend, this is the place to do it! Feel free and let your imagination fly. Thanks a lot for reading, and we hope you have a wonderful time here!

@belenguerra @fendit - just an idea...

Would you be interested in doing a weekly 'Best from our Community' type post showcasing the 10 best posts in the Writing & Reviews Community?

We could then give good votes to all the selected posts (assuming all still current) and a vote for your weekly post as well.

Ideally if you had a separate account for the Community, you could use that to make the weekly post, set it to 100% Powerup, and we could give it a good upvote to help build up voting power for the community quite quickly.

Would that work for you?

Thank you

The Steemit Team

PS We can also provide votes as prizes for any contests you run.

 4 years ago (edited)

Hi @Steemcurator01! :)
Sounds like a great idea to me, I think that in that way, users will be way more engaged in sharing and creating content! Also, it'd be pretty useful to show what type of posts we are willing to see more in the community!
If @belenguerra is ok with this, we will start sorting out the details asap! :)

 4 years ago 

@fendit I'm @ esthy
Here is my introductory post please I want to be verified so as to keep writing my poems and write ups thank you.


 4 years ago 

Hey sir!
Just a quick update on how we are planning to manage Writing & Reviews: we’re about to launch our delegation program, we still choose the weekly top picks and posts for communities support and we run contests every week. As well as this, we vote and comment with put personal accounts (as well as the community one) as much as we can!

Last week I posted a sort of survey asking subscribers what they’d improve of this community and mostly all of them commented that they’d like to receive a bit more of support. I’ve noticed that other communities receive a lot more voted than we do and I was just wondering if there’s any chance we can be taken a bit more into account.

We really want this community to grow a lot more and be one of the biggest and greatest communities of Steemit. That’s our biggest aim.
Also, ir there’s any suggestion you can give us, I’d be more than pleased to hear it!
Thank you!!


 4 years ago 

Hi @steemcurator01!! I agree with you and with @fendit about it. We've been discussing it and a post every week it's a great strategy to increase the motivation in users to post and to create good content.

We really want people to engage with #steemit and with the community. Also, we'd love to make it sustainable in time.


Thank you very much for this great idea!

soy nuevo en la comunidad y estoy apenas revisando los logros que debo cumplir pero puedo ir publicando en otras comunidades paralelamente con las publicaciones de los logros

 4 years ago 

Yes sir @steemcurator01, I agree with @fendit. We both keep working on the community by choosing the top pick, we made the weekly report on the posts picked every day, and we try to help people as much as we can with posts that try to guide them.

We really want this community to grow a lot more, but other communities receive a lot more votes than we do. It would be great if we had the opportunity to be a bit more considered.

We are open to hear suggestions from you, to improve the community and our performance on it.

Thank you,


Buen día, pasen y den un vistazo a otras publicaciones que yo creo que están muy bien redactadas, pero son ignoradas, y estos ya no quieren seguir publicando por qué se sienten excluidos, ya que tienen muchísimo tiempo que ni los miran.

 5 years ago 

Hola amiga, excelente iniciativa, te deseo mucho exito en este nuevo proyecto que sin duda convocara a los grandes artistas de la plataforma.

 5 years ago 

Muchas gracias!! :)
Esperemos que así sea, sería muy divertido para todos!!

thank you so much for sharing the details. I have read all posting guidelines and soon publish post in this community. Thanks

 5 years ago 

Thank you! Hope to see you around!! :)

Thanks for another informative website. Where else could I get that kind of info written in such an ideal way?
Start entrepreneur online
writing articles
writing articles
writing articles
writing articles
writing articles

Me encanta la idea de esta comunidad. Espero participar pronto con algunos contenidos. Les deseo el mayor éxito posible @fendit y @belenguerra

 5 years ago 

Muchas gracias @marcybetancourt!! Esperamos que la disfrutes y sentite libre de compartir lo que quieras. Realmente la idea es dejar volar la imaginación, o compartir reseñas de libros y pelis que justamente te hayan generado una sensación como esa! Gracias por tu buena onda!

 5 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos!! :)
Esperamos verte por aquí con tus escritos!! :)

 5 years ago 

Súper genial! Ansioso por esta iniciativa, apoyo total! Éxito para ambos! (@Fendit & @Belenguerra)

 5 years ago 

Muchísimas gracias!! Esperamos ver tus creaciones por aquí! :)

Muchas felicitaciones por la materialización de su anhelo, @belenguerra y @fendit, que, estoy segura, coincide con el de muchos que quieren hacer vida en esta plataforma a través de las expresiones del arte.
Deseo sinceramente éxitos en su empeño.
Personalmente, sería para mí una dicha encontrar una comunidad donde me sienta acompañada.
Tal vez esta sea la indicada.
¡Larga vida!

 5 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tu comentario! :)
Es la idea, que se sientan acompañados y alentados a ser creativos y a desarrollar la escritura! Yo por mi parte, busqué eso en muchos lados y todos, por alguna u otra razón, no me terminaban de convencer o tenían muy poca actividad. Asique este es un gran lugar para crear eso que todos estabamos buscando!
Espero verte por aqui!! :)

 5 years ago 

Muchas gracias @adncabrera!! Yo también espero que esta sea la indicada y que puedas sentirte tanto acompañada como libre de publicar lo que sientas! Nuestra intención es que revivan las letras. Que contemos por escrito lo que sintamos! Así sea una experiencia, una historia creada, un viaje, una peli que viste y te gustó, o un libró que te voló la cabeza.

Gracias por tu buena vibra y bienvenida 🌻 !!

Congratulations, girls, you rock!!!
I've posted my first verse translation already <3

 5 years ago 

Thank you dear!!! :)

Wow! This is nice! Do you also give feedback to budding writers?!
I would not mind having some tutorials on good writing techniques.

Have a nice day.

 5 years ago 

If you ask for it, we'd be glad to help! Of course, it'd be based in our experience writing, I'm not a writer nor do I remember seeing any professional writer/journalist over here... or at least by now!
I'd also like to get some feedback on how to improve, so sounds really fair to me!

Thank you very much for your kind reply.
Right! It would be nice to have your comment or feedback about my content sometimes.
But I won’t impose on you as you must have lots of readings and tasks to follow up already.

I think professional evaluation would be too heavy for beginner like me!
Give me some time to learn and gather more skills!

Thank you so much for your attention.
