The Screen Addict | Swept Away


Swept Away (2002) is somewhat of an oddity in Guy Ritchie’s filmography. No Brit Gangster flick or big-budget IP this time, but a proper class-conflict Dramedy.

The film is a straight remake of the Italian classic Travolti da un insolito destino nell’azzurro mare d’agosto (1974) in which a rich socialite and a poor sailor are shipwrecked together. Think Overboard (1987) with social-economic critique.

Ritchie’s distinct visual flair is most definitely present – as is his Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and Snatch (2000) producer Matthew Vaughn – but this is definitely no cheeky indie.

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone – Ritchie’s missus at the time – is front and center, and whether that is a good or a bad thing, lies wholly in the eye of the beholder. The director of the original film certainly didn’t approve – it is rumored that she cried and cursed the filmmakers – and Swept Away all but ended Madonna’s acting career.

A bit harsh, in my opinion, because there’s still plenty to like here. It’s lovely to see Elizabeth Banks in one of her first big films, and Jeanne Tripplehorn already proved in Waterworld (1995) that she is very much in her element near water. The only thing more beautiful than the cast, is the stunning Italian backdrop.

All joking aside – I’d encourage all who read this to ignore the subjective bad press about this film, and make up your own mind. Who knows, maybe SA will be the film you choose to take with you to a desert island…


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