Dream A Little Dream - A PowerHouseCreatives Contest

in ART LOVERS4 years ago


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Each week at #powerhousecreatives one of our wonderful leaders @zord189 gives us prompt to write on. It's been a bit since I have done one, this one got my mind working so I am going to jump at the chance.

Here's the link ~~> Contest

Directions - For this week's contest, I would like to throw a challenge to you to 'relive' a dream of yours and share with us your dream. That one dream that you can remember so clearly you wished it would/would not happen. This is Dream Dreams.


Not sure how others dream, my dreams can be very vivid. I can say Sigumund Freud is very wrong about one thing. My dreams are not black and white most of mine are in color. I even get smells/aromas. Now which dream do I want to tell you about?

One of the most vivid dreams I had that I remember even years later was a recurring dream. It took place over the period of a time with a few on consecutive nights.

It had started as me and a few of my friends out hiking, roaming through a wooded area. Parts of the woods were so thick that only shafts of light would come through and were enough to light up the area. The ground was soft mossy, mulchy with that damp wood smell.

We came across a faerie ring. In case you don't know what a faerie ring is, it is a grouping of mushrooms that grow in a circle. This one was a bit different it was rather large and a large toadstool inside the ring. That was where the dream would end (Or I just can't remember). This went on for 3 nights, with little changes. Then I went a couple of days with no dreams.

When the next dream came there was a noticeable size difference in the toadstool. Has it been growing or did the size change from those dreams to this one?

This went on for a few nights off and on. Sometimes we had a picnic. Sometimes we made a camp. Each time though the mushroom kept getting bigger. I would say grow but it was vast amounts of growth. About this time I started to notice a shadow around the woods. I couldn't tell what it was. Sometimes it just a movement. I thought I could see a shape, but when I thought about it the thoughts dissipated. Sometimes I thought I saw eyes or an occasional flash of red.

After another week or so the dreams stopped. I started seeing images of a woman or I thought was a woman. Slender build almost waif like. Almond shaped eyes that were a piercing green. Long red and blonde hair. Some of it braided. Some of the braids had feathers. The hair was long to around waist length. After I built a good image of her the next night the mushroom came back.

This time the mushroom was huge. When I approached I could see my friends were having a picnic on the mushroom. As I approached the mushroom, I caught a glimpse of the woman out of the corner of my eye and I went after her. My friends were upset that I did not join them on the mushroom. They said some very mean and hateful things. I didn't care, I wanted to find out how this person that had been shadowing me was.

As I reached the edge of the wood it turned into a hedge maze. I turned to go back, but nothing was there. It was blank and dark. No more shouts from my friends. When I turned around the woman was standing there. She was a warrior/hunter. At first I thought she might have been an elf due to her stature. She reveled herself as a faery. I kind of laughed and oh sure ..faery ring and you're a 'hunter' makes sense. She said she wasn't there because of the ring and that the faery rings were just a myth. She said she was my spirit guide.

Over the course of next week the dreams were intermittent. Some conversations and some images. I don't remember much of the conversations. The one that sticks out in my mind is in regards to the mushroom. She had said that my 'friends' were not my friends as they pretended to be and that I should be wary.

A few weeks after that there was a huge blow up and I found out they weren't friends at all and that I didn't know them as well as I thought I had.


I know very weird, but symbolic in so many ways. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Pay It Forward Contests

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Brought to you by @quochuy (steem witness)


Thank you for your continued support!



it looks as if more than a dream you were having a revelation. I try to avoid overanalyze my dreams. SOme of them are pointless and shapeless, others very vivid and traumatic. Some of my relatives love to look for meanings in dreams. Some time ago, they did it just to find the lottery winning numbers :)

Disfruté la lectura de tu serie de sueños, @tryskele.
Hiciste un entretenido y llamativo relato.
Te felicito.

I enjoyed reading your dream series, @tryskele.
You made an entertaining and striking story.
I congratulate you.

OMG, @tryskele. Do you know how fortunate you are to have a spirit guide? Blessed are you to bring good tidings and warn you of impending danger. It can be in any shape or form. But when the happenings occur, you'll think back to her and her message. Sometimes the message is not quite as clear. Sometimes it may take a long time for the message to materialize. But no matter how long it takes, your mind will trigger to her words.

You are living a good life to have watcher. Take care in knowing you are covered.

Wow, that's pretty intense dreaming! How were you feeling in your awake state? Did these dreams affect your waking life much?

 4 years ago 

Giant mushrooms to picnic on, what a dream! Some dreams can be woven into our lives in mysterious ways.

Nice story and well told.

That's quite an amazing dream. Vividly intense! I wish there is a way to trigger dreams in such a way and even choose what dreams you desire.

I liked your story, or rather your dream, you describe it very well, thanks for sharing.

 4 years ago 

Dreams are absolutely the strangest of things. Really nice write up though!

The whole time reading, all I could think about was the Mario Brothers Nintendo game. If you only had some fire balls to throw around.. lol. Great story. One never knows where dreams will lead :-)

That’s a great dream and so prophetic. What a honor for you to meet your spirit guide and have her reveal a truth about your friends are the time.
Your fairy guide seems to be from the Tuathe de Danaan.

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