My Favorite Authors - January @yourtop3 Contest

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

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New year, new month, NEW #yourtop3 contest!! January @yourtop3 Contest

The amazing people that run this contest have given us another really awesome contest. This month we are going to cover Authors. As they mention in their post that conversations over books happen pretty frequently in Discord. Once upon a time I had a list of everything that has been recommended. It grew to a size I actually got overwhelmed and abandoned the list. I figured if I need input on my next read, I know where to go 😁

I think I am one of the lucky ones. I have had a love a reading since I knew letters made words and words became stories. My mom would joke that she thought if I could have read when I was born, I would have.

Later in life, on some my excursions from my path some of the best advice I was given about reading is. 'Successful people are constantly reading. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you have that you strive to read then you will keep growing and learning. He was worth a few million, so I took it to heed.

So my top 3 authors... lol another one I can break down by genre, but luckily there are some that are amazing regardless of genre. I am not sure how others determine a good author. The very first thing I need a book to do is whisk me off to the world they have created. The second I need the characters to develop. I truly hope that the person I met in chapter 1 is just a shell of that person by the end of the book. Lastly, the writing needs to be consistent and for lack of a better phrase... natural. I can't stand when I read a book and they try to use 'big' words to 'enhance' the story and they just don't fit with the theme or writing style.


As always this contest is open to EVERYONE. Click the link above to the main post. I'm sure that we're going to find some new writers we will have check out.

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George R.R. Martin


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If you don't know his name you definitely know his work. If not you have been living under a rock. This gentleman has given us to what is know as the Song of Fire and Ice series, which most of you know now as Game of Thrones.

He built an amazing world. When you are given the detail of a wall as to where the dust collected in the stone, the ivy that is growing and twisting. Then to not be completely bored by it you know you have something. One can understand after reading the first book 'Game of Thrones' why his original plan of 3 books was not going to work. Even now knowing that there are 2 books left I still can't imagine with what events are left that 2 books will be enough.

You end up with a myriad of emotions for each character. You actually start to understand the motivation behind some characters, no spoilers here. If you think the HBO series took a huge turn after season 5 you're right, he stopped writing the TV series to go back and work on the books. While we might end-up with the same ending, the journey is different.

I have enjoyed each book immensely and there was so much time in between each one that picking a favorite is kind of hard. Average page count is about 825 pages per book. I read these almost as quickly as the Harry Potter books.

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Stephen King


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The master of horror, but more a master writer. If we started a game called 'Six Degrees of Stephen King" Could you imagine? He has covered virtually every genre. He wrote a fantasy children's book because he daughter asked if could not write something scary. Not many know that. As we know quite a few books he has written have become movies and mini-series. Prolific? Yeah I would think so over 240 books and short stories. I can't imagine it myself and with bouts or writer's block that lasted years at at time it is mind blowing.

You want an author that you can go back and read a book for a different experience, this is the man. There are somethings that it is hard to put to a screen than it is to describe in a book. The description of Christine in the book, takes everything to a whole new level. The life of Delores Claiborne, that a movie does not have time to develop. The slow decent into madness of Jack Torrence. Especially the 'rebirth' of Gage in 'Pet Sematary'

He has given us such a variety of characters which many of us have come to know. Not sure love, but that have left a mark on our memories. His works have given us a base on which we instinctively base other modern writers.

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Terry Goodkind


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This was the first author that I followed the series from almost as soon as it was released. It was also my first read in the fantasy genre. This series is what became my 'gold' standard as far as writing. Again his world building and character development are amazing. If I had one thing that bothered me is the mini recap that happens quite frequently. This was by design. He wanted anyone who picked up a book to be able to read it and not be completely lost. He wanted enough to keep a new reader interested and wanting to go read the others books. However, the downside was that we have this frequent recap.

What started out to be a 3 book series when to 9 books then then 3 more added after he said he retired and then ... 3 more since his return to writing. For a follower of an author's works to have a series with each book having it's own life and not simply be a rehashed version of other books is wonderful.

However... I recommend staying away from 'The Legend of the Seeker' TV series, it severely damages the image and story line from the books. If you can view it without referring back, then it might be enjoyable.

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Some of the other authors that I follow have had a few books to where you can tell it was a book put out simple because the publisher demanded it. I have not seen that with these 3 authors. Each offers a unique world, characters and story lines.

In a world with writers like Deborah Harkness, Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlene Harris, J.K. Rowling it is incredibly hard to pick 3.

Pay It Forward Contests

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Brought to you by @quochuy (steem witness)


Thank you for your continued support!


An interesting selection @tryskele. I confess that I've not read or watched one episode of the Game of Thrones. I would, though, consider reading the books. I'll keep an eye out for them. Your third choice, I don't know. As for Stephen King - I went through a phase of reading his work and haven't read one in years. I also prefer the books to watching the films. The only one I've seen - the one with Kathy Bates in it - was a great disappointment after the book.

My post is writing itself in my head...Let's see how much time I get between now and the deadline....

HEHE I recommend the books over the series. Don't get me wrong the series is good, just some huge changes which inevitably happens.

With Misery I saw the movie first then ready the book. I have learned with Stephen King if you have a choice to want to watch a movie or read the book. Watch the movie then read to book because you won't be disappointed. The one move that I have issues with is Firestarter. It is the case were the movie is the book almost verbatim and I hated it, which is kind of ironic.

If you like fantasy, then you'll like Terry Goodkind. Wizard's First Rule which is the 1st book in the series just turned 25.

Thanks for the tips. I'll keep my eye out for goodkind. My post will appear by the deadline. It's now a work in progress. 🤦‍♀️

Thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! We've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on our blog for the dpoll post!

Set your post payout to 50/50. You keep the SP and then transfer the STEEM and/or SBD (whichever is paid out at the time) to @yourtop3 with a link to your blog post entry in the transfer memo. This is the minimum entry fee, but you can add as much as you like to it! The more you add, the more you can win.There is no maximum entry fee.

Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Steem Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.014 SBD and 6.587 STEEM over to the @yourtop3 account as your entry fee. We’ll take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to SBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!


Great choices, as usual @tryskele

Love GOT and the books are awesome. They definitely split from the show though. SK is an absolute legend and Shawshank is a personal fave!

Good luck.


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Thanks G 😊 You guys keep coming up with great topics I'll keep at it.

Hey @tryskele!

It’s Q here, I see that your awesome Top 3 entry post has reached 7 days old. Please remember to confirm your entry into the contest by sending half of your payout (STEEM and/or SBD) to the @yourtop3 account as your minimum entry fee.

Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Steem Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.014 SBD and 6.587 STEEM over to the @yourtop3 account as your entry fee. We’ll take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to SBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!


But don’t forget that you can send us as much as you like for a chance to win a greater share of the prize pool. There is NO MAXIMUM! Also, send us your post URL in the memo.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. The Top 3 Panel would be more than happy to assist.

Thanks for entering and good luck.

Your Top 3 Contest Mascot

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Oh, another King - noticed @plantstoplanks had him too. He's certainly a fave isn't he - tells such a good story! i haven't heard of Goodkind but I did really like GOT until the very last book where I got bored and gave up! I know I know, what a weirdo. It was just like a marathon summer reading them and I didn't make it to the finish line!

I get the same way with a book. I used to steer clear from series until Wizard's First Rule. From then on, I would binge read each new series. It's worked kind of nicely because most of the time when I get caught up I'm ready for a change. Then wait a few years and catch up again LOL.

I really have that problem with the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time series. 2 books and I'm done for a bit. It actually took me a year to finish the first book in that series, I just couldn't stand it. I had to skip the preface in order to start getting interested. 12 yrs later I'm only on book 6.

I'd love to see what you come up with for this. I've loved the suggestions you have had from previous posts.

Yes @tryskele! Another great selection to add to this month's topic and thanks for getting involved with our friendly community contest!

All of those are such prolific authors, you wonder how they can consistently create such engaging pieces of work that Hollywood and the like want to turn in to movies!

Good luck this month and with our quarterly and yearly leagues as well, plenty of chances to win!

Thanks @nickyhavey. I know I need to stop in on Discord more, having 3 hrs a day to take care of life sucks, not much time to do the daily stuff.

I am so with you on the shortage of time. Don't feel obliged - the Discord is fun, and often quite quiet... You're welcome any time...when you have time...☺

What @fionasfavourites said, really. We're a pretty chilled out bunch and know every one has busy lives so if you're about, feel free to drop by, there's no rules to be in the Discord, more of an additional perk with the contest :)

Those are some great choices.

Good luck in this months contest.

Why thank you sir :)

Yasss! I knew you'd bring some good ones to the table. Totally agree with your first two choices. Though I'm holding a bit of a grudge against Martin for making me wait so long for the rest of the books, haha. He really is a master of characters and intricate plot lines. I haven't gotten my panel member post up yet, but spoiler alert, King will be on my list. He was one of the reasons why I started really getting in to reading, way back when I might have been too young to read some of the stories. My sister, dad and I all trade out his books whenever a new one comes out depending upon who purchased it. Which makes me really excited for your last pick, as I am unfamiliar with that author but imagine from your other choices he is worth looking into! Thanks for bringing such an awesome entry this month! Each topic is always a blast, but this one is very close to my heart. :)

holding a bit of a grudge against Martin for making me wait so long for the rest of the books ABSOLUTELY!! I stopped watching the series at season 5 because I don't want the ending to be messed up for me (even though I know the basic ending figured that out years ago)

Almost everyone I know has had a similar experience with King, the waiting for the book to come out then passing on through everyone. I guess that's why I got so attached. The Stand kept me occupied in study hall LOL.

Glad to see Stephen King made the list! He's an absolute must have.

I think I should be hiding when I say this but, I haven't watched game of thrones. For some reason I am pulled away from watching something that becomes highly popular. Not sure why that happens, I just lose interest. Yes I'm an odd ball. I will get to it eventually when all the hoopla calms down :)

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