Day-905-Freewrite Sunday prompt peals of laughter

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Below is my five minute #freewrite on today's prompt: peals of laughter

If you've never written a Freewrite before please visit today's post by @mariannewest
Today, after Debbie finished up with the garlic bread, the tomato salad, and reheating the lasagna, we set off to deliver the Easter meals to my brother and sisters. The roads were empty, a trip that usually took 30 minutes to make only took 15 minutes. There were no peals of laughter from kids in our city parks, as our mayor closed them all. An Easter tradition in San Antonio is to camp in our city parks starting five days before Easter, then huge family gatherings for an Easter picnic. Nothing like that this year. We got to my brother's house and we didn't even go in, just dropped off the food, picked some up that Cyndi made, then headed to my sister's house. We dropped her food off and she surprised us with a palm from last week's blessing. I'm not sure where she got it but it was very much appreciated. After we finished up at Fiorenza's house, we headed to Brunella's house to drop of our last Easter lunch. She gave us a cute Easter card and gave Debbie a journal for her recipes. We were back home and safe in front of our TV in less than an hour round-trip. Then we sat down to eat Debbie's fabulous Easter lunch lasagna. It was good to see everyone, even though it was just for a short time. Marianne, I'm sorry we didn't save enough lasagna to send to San Diego this time, but I'll ask Debbie to double the batch next time. Hoppy Easter 🐰

Freewrite by Bruni

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This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.

I am glad you had a good dinner together with Debbie!

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