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RE: Open Church: What positives are you seeing in the midst of the coronavirus gloom?

Those of us who are saved can show others that we're not afraid. No matter what happens. I'm 61. I'm diabetic. I have high blood pressure. My heart function is compromised after having atrial fibrillation. If I get the corona virus I could die from it. But I'm not afraid. Perhaps God will call me as a witness to others if I get sick from it.

My late first wife lost both her grandmothers on the same Friday the 13th in 1988. Then she died on a Friday the 13th in 1992. I've wondered if God was letting me know when she would die because of when her grandmothers died. Then last year my father died on the 13th of the month but not a Friday. I've wondered lately if God was telling me when I was going to die.


Amen brother. That’s so encouraging to hear your faith. You’re absolutely right, God is in control and we don’t need to live in fear.
Sorry to hear about your loss of loved ones. It’s interesting how God communicates sometimes. I use to be really afraid of dying when I was young, but since I came into relationship with Jesus around 17 years ago, I now have hope and dying doesn’t bother me any more. But the main thing is that through life and death, our lives would glorify our Saviour.

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