Power in the Spoken Word

Hello hiveans, am here again to let you know that there is power in the words that comes out of our mouth..

Words are carriers of spiritual forces and are also potent and powerful enough to cause change in our life. No wonder the Scriptures said the words we speak are spirit and they are life It might interest you to know that your life is the product of what you say either positively or negatively


Also, words are the compass of our lives, it can kill, cause fight, bring separations, quarrel, destroys, as well bring peace and harmony. I have also discovered that words are the expressions of our thoughts. How do I know this, the Bible says " out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh

So, be mindful of the words that comes out of your mouth, don't speak carelessly and fearfully because fear produces negative words. Have this in mind that when ever you release negative words you attract bad results but the positive words you speak change situations for the better.

To further prove how powerful words are, God used word to framed the earth by saying let there be light and they was light Jesus speak to the storm while he was in the boat and they was a great calm, he went to Lazarus's grave and said Lazarus come forth and he came forth. So Jesus knew this while on earth and he used words like no one else ever did.

As an individual, learn how to speak positivity because what you say is what you have. No matter the storms of life, always confess positive things , for when men say there is a casting down , you shall say there is a
lifting up (job 22:29)
Consciously speak life to your self and situations for the word we speak are spirit and they are life

Never you allow circumstances around you or challenges of life affect your confession. Even in the midst of problem learn to use words like, it is well, I can do it, am blessed, am a success, am Unstoppable, greatness is in me, am healed, I have it beloved I tell you, when you made these your daily confession, you will surely manifest them.

Am already excited to share this with you. Once again words are powerful, so be mindful of words you release, don't forget that you can either destroy your life or change situations of your life for better based on what you say.

So make friend with positive confession and get positive results, Until I come your way again, remain blessed.


Indeed our words have power.
God knew the efficacy in spoken words that was why he used word to bring everything into creation.
We ought to be very mindful of what we say as Christians.
May God help us, Amen.

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