How Accepting Cryptocurrencies as Payment Can Help Your Business | Hacker Noon

in DLIKE4 years ago (edited)

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Our synopsis:  

Cryotocurrencies have come long way. From being the least attractive asset class to one that is becoming an increasingly more and more attractive asset class as the days pass.  

Corporations such as the Paypal, Facebook and Google which were, just a couple of years ago, shying away from cryptocurrencies are now jumping into the fray for a piece of the pie.  

Institutional investors and banks such as J.P Morgan who once eschewed cryptocurrencies as fraud and Ponzi schemes are now shamelessly advising their clients to invest in cryptocurrencies as part of their portfolio. The governments are no different.  

What is amazing is these are the people who should have known something about money, economics and finance but they are the ones who were dead against the cryptocurrencies.  

Naturally, with so many "experts" calling cryptocurrencies Ponzi schemes and fraud, businesses shied away from using them in their transactions lest they will be targeted by the authorities and denied banking facilities.  

All that is slowly but surely changing. Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Their allure is infinitesimally irresistible.  

If you are running a business you shouldn't be wasting time listening to the "experts".  

There is a lesson for posterity here: Never be prejudiced by what you already know. Prejudice is pre-judging. That means you have made a decision even before you know the full facts but purely based on outdated past information only.  

Outdated past information can turn out to be and usually is the blind spot that blocks what is looming behind it and is about to engulf the unprepared you. Always be open and make decisions only after learning the full facts of what you are about to criticize.  

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How Accepting Cryptocurrencies as Payment Can Help Your Business

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