Far-Right Platform Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private DatasteemCreated with Sketch.

in DLIKE3 years ago (edited)

Shared From DLIKE

Good that I never made a private posting on GAB or joined a private group. Still I feel with those who have.

And I'm disappointed with @gab. If passwords have been leaked, even if they have been encrypted, then a mandatory password change is in order.

The other thing which is worrisome is that @gab uses eMails as login user id. If they have all the passwords they probably have all the eMail addresses as well. Not a problem for me as my eMail address matched my userid. But that might not be the case for every anonymous account.

Far-Right Platform Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data | WIRED


Shared On DLIKE


Copying/Pasting full or partial texts with adding very little original content are frowned upon by the community. Repeated copy/paste posts could be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.

I didn't copy paste someone else's text. That is my text and mine alone.

If exclusive content is what you are after: You are not getting it. Payouts are pathetic a not worthy of exclusive content. Don't expect me to create exclusive content for 5ç.

You can fuck right off.

Could you please refrain from promoting scamLike, please?

You consider warning people about a security breach at GAB a scam? Informing users that they need to change their password a scam. Interesting.

No clue what you are talking about. dlike is a filthy scam created by azmausa. It's been since 1st day.

So you commented and accused me without even reading the text. You are everything that is wrong with this platform. And Hive for that matter.

You go around accusing users of perceived crimes. Applying guilt of association. You are not better than Twitter or Facebook and their ban bots.

You had the change to become a free speech alternative to established media. And you blew it. With blacklists added to the very core of the chain. Again, same for Hive.

I don't see hope for this platform. Wasted potential because the whales could not refrain from censorship and in fightning.

As for dLike: For me it's just a way to quickly create a posting with a link and preview picture. Which I then copy to Hive, Blurt and Whaleshares.

And no, it's not for the payouts. The payouts are too low to even justify the copy paste.

Note that I delegated my Steem/Hive/Blurt Power away for a daily or weekly share from a large curator.

I create my account for a dream of free speech and peer curated content. But that dream is dead.

Nah, it was simply a dud. Since you posed in dlike where 99.999% of posts there is copypasta spam from bot accounts created by azmausa, you just got commended on in the bulk.
You should not have cherished and promoted this dlike scam in the first place.
You have chosen to stay on Steemit and promote these scammers by using their apps, so it is your problem.
We don't care about Steemit and Steemit shills like you.
Stop promoting dlike or you will get downvoted.

"You had the change to become a free-speech alternative to established media. And you blew it. With blacklists added to the very core of the chain. Again, same for Hive"

No clue what you are talking about. Anyone can post whatever they like there as long as it is legal content.
You seem like one of these trolls who confuses freedom of speech with freedom to scam the platform with plagiarism, identity theft, and spam.
Don't thor around phrases like "freedom of speech" if you lack basic education what this means.


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