Retro Music Week 4 || Register your entry and participate / Earn Trx and Steem
Cheers to this great #steemit family, We have news for you, in this new week of Retro Music we have incorporated the #Trx Coin awards panel, this in order to further boost and promote this cryptocurrency... Retro Music week 3 was a lot of fun, we had 5 wonderful entries. You can see the summary and winners , down. Thank you @donatello for the invitation to promote this post in this wonderful community
MarvalStudios is a musical project whose main objective is to help new artists and give support on and off the platform. Our team is made up of a group of people with a long history in audiovisual and musical art.

Continuing with the main idea, we have decided to open an Initiative called Retro Music. Retro Music was born with the purpose of keeping alive the music of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, times that marked an important milestone for the Music industry.
Partiendo del concepto anterior se inicia la " Semana 4 de Retro Music " , donde tienes que interpretar un tema de tu artista Favorito de las décadas antes mencionadas (50, 60 , 70, 80 , 90 ).
Starting from the previous concept, "Retro Music Week 3" begins, where you have to perform a song by your Favorite artist from the aforementioned decades (50, 60, 70, 80, 90).
1 Postear desde la comunidad / Post from the community: :
2 - Utilizar como etiqueta principal #studio1 , #contest , esto con el propósito de encontrar tu contenido musical.
2 Use #studio1 , #contest , as the main tag, this for the purpose of finding your musical content
3 - Colocar de titulo en el post: Retro Music semana 4 Cover by @.... (tu nombre de usuario)
3 Place title in the post: Retro Music week 4 Cover by @ .... (your username)
4 - Puedes hacer tu presentación con pista o acompañarte con un instrumento.
4.You can make your presentation with a track or accompany you with an instrument.
5 - Deja tu entrada en la caja de comentarios.
5 Leave your input in the comment box.
Para esta semana hemos incluido a Trx en los premios../For this week we have included Trx in the awards.
Artista Destacado : 3 Steem / 7 Trx
Artista de la semana : 2 Steem / 5 Trx
Puedes invitar a un amigo a unirse a esta iniciativa.
For this first edition you can invite a friend to join this initiative.
Agradecemos a todos lo que poyan contenidos e iniciativas dentro de #steemit, @steemcurator01 , @steemcurator02 , @booming01 , @booming02 , @booming03 , @trafalgar , @tipu y @donatello . Gracias por los soportes.
We thank everyone who supports content and initiatives within #steemit, @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @booming01, @booming02, @booming03, @trafalgar, @tipu and @donatello. Thanks for the supports.
Esta iniciativa comienza a partir de la siguiente publicación 5/04/2021 y culmina el 10/04/2021, 11:59 Pm. Los ganadores serán anunciados el día 11/04/2021.
This initiative begins with the following publication 04/05/2021 and ends on 04/10/2021, 11:59 PM. Winners will be announced on 04/11/2021.

Hola a todos, les dejo mi presentación de esta semana:
Excelentes noticias, gracias por tanto. Saludos y bendiciones
Hola queridos amigos, por acá les traigo mi participación. Bendiciones!
Here s my entry - Sunshine reggae from 1983 originally by Laid Back here performed by me and my mate Yavor.Enjoy
What a great classic, you have a wonderful voice, this sounds beautiful.
Aquí mi entrada espero que se diviertan
Hola saludos a todos! esta es mi participación
Me apunto a esta idea.
Que bueno saber que los premios estan distribuidos de esa forma, es una buena iniciativa para los musicos de #steemit. Saludos con cariño.