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RE: Traditional Thai Herb Treats Symptoms of #CoronaVirus & Respiratory Flu, Says Thai Hospital

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

When I decided to go against the flow of standard Western medicine, I searched out alternative ways to help prevent and overcome standard childhood illnesses. I read, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care, by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan, MD. One of the recommended herbs to have on hand to treat everything from ear infections to whooping cough is andrographis. Page 233 of the book describes the way this herb works.

The liver-gall bladder system can be compared to a system for handling household garbage. First we bag the garage (the role of the liver as it attaches toxins to various compounds), then we take it to the compost pile (the gall bladder). We can stimulate this process by giving liver herbs to the sick child (to help bag the garbage) and bitter herbs (to help carry it to the compost). The herb andrographis will serve for both the bagging and the eliminating. Known as the king of the bitters, andrographis is similar in effect as an antibiotic, even though it has little antimicrobial effect. Rather, by stimulating the liver-gall bladder detoxification pathways, it addresses the underlying dynamics of the infection.

I personally have used andrographis when my kiddos just can't seem to shake a virus, or when one has really come on strong. I can see a change in their overall well-being within hours after taking this herb. It seems to provide that extra support to the immune system to turn the critical mass over to the side of healing. But, it sure is bitter! I crush the pills and mix it in raw honey to make it go down a little easier when the pills just cannot be swallowed whole.

This is a beautiful and incredibly healing herb to feature. Thank you @artemislives for reminding me of all of its wonderful gifts 🌱


What an awesome mom you are @biabirch!! Andrographis is a standard in our household... simply called "the bitter green pills" and always a glass jar of them in our pantry.

When I say they are cheap here, I mean CHEAP. I pay 80 thb (maybe usd $2.60) for a 500g bag!! That's well over a pound!! It made me smile to see it in the media this week.

Thanks for adding to the collected wisdom. 😊💚🌿

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