Children live in two worlds. Parents can enter the second world if they don’t invade the first world.steemCreated with Sketch.

in LifeStyle4 years ago


According to psychology, each of us lives in two worlds, the inner world and the outer world. Among them, the outer world is controllable by outsiders, while the inner world has the final say.

The first world is usually difficult to keep, because outsiders in this world have the final say. For example, the mother asks the child to do homework, but the child does not want to go, so the mother begins to shout at the child, the operation is fierce, and the child finally chooses to give up resisting, although not I'm willing, but I still go to do homework.

The second world is difficult to enter, because this world is the final decision. For example, the child mentioned above, although he has gone to do his homework, he is extremely reluctant in his heart, so even if he sits at the desk, he will still dawdle. , Absent-minded, will not focus on homework at all.


Therefore, it is best for parents not to invade the child's first world. As long as we control his outer world, his inner world will be closed to us forever.