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RE: Insomnia: A good life can be ruined!

in LifeStylelast year


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Some people cannot sleep well and nobody can help posting is tailored to these people. Please note that these tips can also help if you have "minor" sleep problems, or if you just want to sleep better :-)
As this currently seems to be the only sleep group on, I would like to add what I know about how to get a good night sleep:
1., and this is THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP, make sure that your sleeping place is free from natural interference fields - also called geopathic fields - like water veins and magnetic lines, and free of technical interference fields like cellphone radiation / cellphone tower radiation / WLAN radiation / DECT radiation / EMF radiation / SMARTMETER radiation - get rid of this device if you can or prevent you ever get one / Powerline Internet etc..
Also make sure that there are no toxins (chemicals, moldspores) in your sleeping room. Get a demand switch for your sleeping room fuse or turn off the fuse for your sleeping room.
I suggest you go to a good dowser for the natural fields and to a construction biologist for the technical fields, toxins, moldspores etc..
If you cannot afford this and you have pets, watch where the dog sleeps, this place is usually ok as dogs flee from radiation. Cats on the other hand search for radiation and sleep on radiation, so a cats sleeping place is usually bad for humans. You might consider this to be folklore, but I think there is some truth in this.
If you do not have pets, go camping in the middle of nowhere, or even in the radio free zone inside the USA, and if you can sleep there, you got your culprit, probably some kind of natural or technical field at your sleeping place, or a toxin, or something else associated with the sleeping place in your house or home.
This is the most important step if you are chronically ill - if your body cannot regenerate, it is logical that you can never get better. Please note that doctors DO NOT tell you this.
2.) Incline your bed, see
Another VERY good reason to incline your bed:
3.) Sleep with your head towards north or south so that you are as unaffected as possible by earths magnetic field. You are then basically laying as if you were a needle in a magnetic compass or in the eye of a storm, unaffected. If these directions do not work well for you, try east. Check out the appropriate directions in the "Vastu"-sleep system regarding the cardinal points.
4.) Get an earthing sheet for your bed, see the book . I personally cannot sleep well with an earthing sheet if it is attached to the earthing line all night, as I get too much energy, so I pull out the wall plug when I go to sleep, then plug it in ca. 05:00 in the morning to get an extra energy boost.
5.) Read this book about the so called "Natural Sleep" by Theodor Stöckmann and Matthias Dräger, and try to follow these suggestions and see if it works for you. Please note that the books have good reviews in german. I cannot try this because of my work times. I think this is a damn big discovery.
As far as I can see you can also read the short version of this book for free in english language (published by the original author as far as I can see on his private homepage), here:
If this does not work for you, inform yourself about the so called "biphasic and polyphasic" sleep, see and
which was probably lost quietly because of electrical illumination. This might work very well for some (probably only a few) as well.
You might want to read the following interesting historical book about how people slept in times past
6.) Make sure there is as little light in your bedroom as possible, especially no "aggressive" blue light from certain technical appliances.
Use earplugs and/or install a white noise generator or something if there is noise.
Try a software like f.lux for your computer. Also available for cellphones, but better dont use a portable radiation device / wiretap, it can f*ck up your health and DNA, and your cancer risk increases, as well as the changes that you will have mutated offspring, oh and I know you wont like to hear this, but this seems to be the case and is well documented.
6.5. ;-)) What you should better stay away from coffee and everything caffeinated, especially if you have sleep problems:

#sleepbetter #sleep #feelbetterlivemorepodcast
Sleep Expert REVEALS How Caffeine DESTROYS Your Sleep & Productivity! | Matthew Walker
1.106.940 AufrufePremiere am 21.03.2021
Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Today’s guest is world-leading sleep researcher, author of the international best-selling book ‘Why We Sleep’ and Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, Matthew Walker.
Matthew shares research on the effects of caffeine on our sleep.
Caffeine is a sleep disruptor, and just one dose of caffeine in the evening can decrease the amount of deep sleep by 20%
Caffeine has a half-life of around 6-7 hours, but a quarter-life of around 12 hours. If you have a cup of coffee at noon, a quarter of that caffeine can still be circulating around your brain at midnight.
7.) If you still cannot sleep, try taking L-Tryptophan.
8.) Sometimes bad sleep can also come from an atlas misalignment . It depends on the severity of the misalignment.
9.) if you want to sleep better AND eliminate or at least improve back pain, sleep on a HARD mattress (as hard as possible) and on a pillow AS THIN as possible, or better, on NO PILLOW at all. To get there, slowly reduce the thickness of your pillow AND if you got a slatted frame, increase the hardness of the frame slowly. If you reach maximum slatted frame hardness and think you can still "sleep harder" ;-), get a mattress one grade harder, then repeat, start with the softest slatted frame setting and work your way towards harder. This will be uncomfortable in the beginning, but will pay off soon, for example, it will eliminate most cases of back pain and you will sleep better.
Sleep on your back or on your belly, try to avoid sideways. Turning is natural, your body wants to do it for various reasons, but try to get back into these two positions when you wake up etc.. You can train your body to stop sleeping sideways for the most part, might take some weeks though. All this is explained in a german video by "Liebscher & Bracht" ("the pain specialists") here:

10.) Another extremely important substance for good sleep is magnesium, see
11.) This should have been higher up in this list but I only learned about it some time ago, if you have sleeping problems, you should really check if your breathing is in order and measure it by using the two methods mentioned in the following, IMHO extremely important text about "intermittent breathing", here:
Or look at the extremely extremely extremely important site here
and read ALL the books by Dr. Artour Rakhimov.
There is also a device called "samozdrav" which should work exactly as it is advertised here:

If you get it, get the "Samozdrav Comfort", that is as far as I know the latest and most advanced version.

Additional tip, do not take too long naps in the afternoon or you might not be able to fall asleep at the right time or sleep at night, see

Voila, there you have it :-)
(Surely, I missed a lot of things which could also theoretically hinder sleep, there can be a lot of bodily reasons why a person cannot sleep well, for example hormonal imbalances, which are often caused by a deficiency in vitamins / minerals, or they can be caused by heavy metal poisoning (mercury from amalgame fillings) or focal infections - aka infections below the teeth, for example in a root filled tooth - etc. etc., but I guess the above mentioned ones are the most common ones. If you think your problem is caused by such a problem, I suggest you try to find a good alternative practitioner who can perhaps find out what is wrong. Also always check out lymes disease, this illness is a hidden epidemic nowadays.
Oh and I did not mention "common causes" which you can read about anywhere, like a slatted frame which is wrongly adjusted, mattress too hard / too soft etc., a clock radio which is powered by the electrical grid and usually generates a giant EMF field, an active cellphone right next to your head, powerlines right next to your head, please use common sense, such things cant be good :-D)
Please feel free to freely distribute this posting and please forward it to anyone who you think can benefit from it (CC0, free of copyright)!

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