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RE: How To Make Awesome Bread (Coronavirus Apocolypse Survival Edition)

in BreadBakers4 years ago

Yeah!!! I need this, I bought some fresh yeast and just now learned I can freeze it... homemade breads are coming (sadly my baking pot got destroyed 😱, now I need new technique or a new pot)


I use an old Tupper Ultra. Works great. A Römertopf is good for bread baking, too.

Destroyed? 😱!
Can you just put a loaf on a baking tray or, like @bozz, use coffee tins?

Yes, old metal coffee cans because the new ones are plastic or they have a lip in them which keeps the bread from sliding out.

@muscara, @shanibeer and @bozz, so far I baked my breads with the Ploetz method (@akkippon wrote about this i think I remember) and for this technique you use a pre-heated cast iron pot with a tight iron lid for the bread. We used our cast iron pot for baking and cooking and in one moment of tiredness my husband used a thin not heat proofed plastic dough scraper in this hot iron pot. It melted right away and we had an inseparable iron-plastic amalgam. He was so sad (me too)... I instantly wrote the brand, but they advised to not use the pot anymore (I thought you could perhaps polish and re-season it, but they said no).
Long story short... I am dreaming of a new cast iron pot, but they are very expensive here. I have no other pot (no Römertopf) which I could use in the oven. And the tin idea is not doable, all tins have a plastic coating here. I will research more bread recipes for cake forms and safe for the new pot :-DDD (or simply eat more cake instead of bread 😂)

Right now it's difficult, but try and look in second hand shops.

Good idea! I also thought to look at eBay...

I tried the cast iron pot idea after reading about it on your blog, but I found my bread worked just as well in a straightforward loaf tin (I found two non-stick versions very cheaply in TK Maxx), or shaped and put on a baking tray.


Thank youuuuu (and again I have to research this new token 😊)

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