Reflection - The Artist @tezzmax

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ8 days ago


The first time I saw one of his drawings it felt as if the world stopped. All I could do was look at that picture no one seemed to notice. Not a single comment, not a word of praise, not even 0.01 upvote.

How can it be you are not rewarded, I asked.

Although, he wasn't he kept posting. Others like him but also writers would have left steemit a long time ago. I find it hard to believe there is no one on Steemit liking the drawings this artist makes. I've seen worse, way worse receiving fat upvotes! So I asked some questions.



Why art?

I had a very lonely childhood and art was what I found early as a way out of boredom and loneliness. I chose art since I was 7.

Which drawing technique has your preference?

I love a lot of drawing and painting techniques but I love my scribble approach more.

Does mood influence your work?

I wouldn’t say yes or no, I think it just depends on whatever I allow or choose to embrace. Anger could even be a good artistic drive for me sometimes.

Is your family supportive?

Yes! I made it known to my household since I was 7 that art is all I want and they accepted and never stopped supporting even when they do not understand it.


Considering my passion for art since childhood, I had always been one of the best to appoint whenever it comes to Art right from my Elementary and through high school also. I never had any doubts about me studying art in the University and yes! I am now a graduate of Visual Arts from the prestigious University of Lagos, Nigeria.



Are you the only one?

I’ve had about two friends
since high school who are also practicing art now professionally and of course a lot of artist friends from my university days and they are all thriving in their own spheres.


Last drawing as an undergraduate

My new sandals - acrylic painting
Reflection - Marker on canvas
Friendship - media art
Last drawing as an undergraduate - scribble

10% @tezzmax

@rashid001 @grebmot @joslud

 7 days ago (edited)

Greetings, colleagues,

I like this minimalist format to present the creators of Steemit. It makes it easy to read and opens us up to the curiosity of knowing more about the artist. It also made me reflect and generate some "buts"

But, (I think I always put "buts")

I think we can get away from the discourse of: "poor artist that nobody supports in his art", if we are going to build a Community that supports art and artists. Let's look for, let's invent ways to support from the empowerment of the "being that creates."

Convert Steemit into a Patron of artists?

It is viable, it is possible, it is easy. However, I believe that currently the "artist-creator" can discover ways to get rid of the "poor him", which places him in the position of victim, of handicap.

I want to support in finding them, in promoting their publications, but just as they create fantastic pieces, they can learn to make publications that attract more and catch people to read them until the end.

Let's work for an artist-creator-empowered in his being and in his abilities to create, from Steemit for the World.

 7 days ago 

Your message is understood, still, I leave it this since this is what I felt and thought and the post is mine).

I am fine with "buts" since I have buts as well. If an artist shows his piece of art (in this case a drawing) this is the first thing that one sees (just like we do with every post the picture comes first and next we see the title and the first lines.

If it comes to art I don't think many words are needed since art should be observed, felt and next, we might wonder what it is we are looking at or wonder who the artist is.

I like to see/hear what your "artist-creator-empower" course will look like. For sure it's important to promote oneself and posting in an Art Community is the first step.

But... the community should be visible as well.

I'm off, it was a long day.

 7 days ago 


If what you ask for could be obtained from a course, I would already be a multimillionaire 😂😂. But I accept the challenge, let me think and create. Facilitating learning is my ART.

But, it won't be in the immediate future, I think that right now the focus should be on building a community and detecting-finding artists and consolidating the team.

I'm liking this proposal more every day.
Thank you.

 6 days ago 

Think, think, think, how to promote oneself.
Is it something we can do for the teaching team? You won't be rich though.
Or perhaps we should do it for another. Like a former employer once said: Woman you are able to sell a heap of shit as if it's gold. 😂 (those days are over though).

For now, it's not only finding them but also making it attractive and that might be the biggest problem. For sure they can be found if we offer to pay but if an artist isn't willing to invest in himself (or herself) nothing will happen unless they have a promoter doing it for them but promoters should be paid as well (by them because they are not different from the publisher for a writer).

@tezzmax @grebmot can we find 1 artist per week or 3-4 per month?

(Published through Steemit Dapp

Yeah. I think that's possible but then I also think we shouldn't make it a target cause it could lead to bringing in just anyhow persons as artists.

 5 days ago (edited)

I agree but they are here already so we only have to find and ask them. There's no need to post daily and flood the community since we are still working at it.

We got in touch a long time ago - with the intention of organising an exhibition in Germany. We didn't manage it! Corona came in between, where art was devalued as dispensable anyway... And then people had less and less money in their pockets - of course, people cut back on art and culture.

You're right: the paintings are very special and deserve much more appreciation!

 7 days ago 

I am not sure but I believe long before the lockdowns artist were out of sight at least I noticed that in the Netherlands. Of course, there were still festivals and Musea but the interest was rarely there and schools don't visit musea any longer.
The fact many no longer visit the cinema says enough. Also, DVDs are hardly bought, streaming is easier even Netflix is on its return.
If I look around me most people have hardly to eat, let alone spend on a day out (theatre at least 70 euros which is called cheap not to forget to mention the costs for travelling.

Still, online it must be possible to do something or at least give it a try.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a valuable comment.

This is so heartwarming!♥️
Thank you Kitty ♥️

Deine Kritzelbilder stechen hervor , ich habe vor einigen Tagen das erste mal ein solches Bild von Dir gesehen und kann mich nicht erinnern das ich mir jemals ein Bild so lange angeschaut habe, 👍

Thank you very much.

 7 days ago 

You are welcome. I will leave a message on X.
A great Sunday and keep drawing 😍

Happy Sunday to you also.
I shall be awaiting your message.

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We are the hope!

 7 days ago 

Thank you so much for giving #artonsteemit a chance.
Let:'s hope there is hope for artists as well even if they are misunderstood it can't be denied they colour our lives.

A great Sunday.


I had know idea that they had an “art and artist” community. I only know of xpilar community that organizes art contests.


After reading your post, I had to go to his page and I saw lots of beautiful art works but the one that thrills me most is this his unique pattern of drawing.

I’m here sitting and wondering, how is it possible that an artwork that looks like someone’s signature be this beautiful…

@tezzmax, abeg come and explain oh!! Cos I’ll love to learn it..

 6 days ago 

I already adopted you so scribble, put your soul it it and we nominate you artist too.

Aren't we @tezzmax?

(Published through Steemit Dapp

I already adopted you so scribble, put your soul it it and we nominate you artist too.

Lol…. Looking at the videos you showed me, it will take years of practice…

Lol..... You can always try, you can always improve!

 6 days ago 

not paying attention again? Start with a circle and make the movements... before you know you have a ball, the moon or an apple

The video is nice but I feel there could be one more explanatory.

 6 days ago 

I believe these videos are not for beginners. If you can't draw at all you have a problem. So perhaps a circle (using a plat or cup if you can't do it at all) and next trying how to hold a pencil or whatever is available.

Kubism is a solution or Mondriaan (scribble version) and to be fair Karel Appel is not very special. @sbamsoneu how about drawinglessons at kindergarten?

I can't condemn the material but for a beginner? Nah! I shall share something as regards that soon.

Thank you bro.
It's a new community that was created by @wakeupkitty and we intend to use it in upholding arts and artists on steemit.

As per my style and technique of drawing, it's just something I found and fell in love with over the years.

 6 days ago 

How about scribble lessons? Easy peasy ones? You could join the Steemit teaching Team like I do with #wewrite (writingclasses). Or challenger. it might be good to learn some basics if not too much task people might like to try. First a ball or something easy?

What do you think? @steemitblog

(Published through Steemit Dapp

This sounds really cool. I shall see to it. Thank you for this.

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