Incredible India monthly contest of October #1| My preferable Era!

in Incredible India3 days ago (edited)

Hello friends, how are you all doing today, hope that you people will be fine and doing great in life. @meraindia organized a contest about era, there are different eras and with time everything changes and everything is different from the past and you are in the modern life in which you are born.

"Old Era and New Era"


Old and new era.....Two different times and situations.....Two different people.....father and son.....mother and daughter.....simple and and and vulgarity.....time and shortage of time.....face to face and and lust.....reality and made up.....simplicity and technology.....Old and New.

Q: Which Era is on your preference list? Why?

  • As I was born in the starting of 21st century, in 2000, The era of 21st century and 20th century was over. It doesn't have any meaning, the time; because it was same as for our grand parents and same for us but the situation and surrounding is different. I don't know which era is best, the old simple one or the new technology one. As I go into simple societies so I wonder for modern one and vice versa. I think in simple surrounding modern technology will be good because there is peace and natural resources, the technology part will help you to be up to date. As I am living in a city, basically in Lahore city, so here huge amount of people are living, you don't know what is happening outside your boundary unless a news reporter tells you about it but in village you will come to know about 10 km away incident without news channel.


  • As I have listened from my elders that the old lifestyle was simple and everyone was having much time for conversation, people become happy with small things, there was no chasing for money as nowadays its happening. As you will see people earning money for displaying their body which is selling of body. In old time, everything was cheap and you to do little work to earn money and that money was plenty. Everyone was having their own house, animals to give milk, chickens to give eggs and farm to give you food. Everything was natural and original, nowadays, numerous brands selling things with different rates and you don't know which one is best. There was happiness around everywhere, a lot of nature, everyone was pure and not deceiving, marriages were successful and people were not deceiving each other.

For everything I will blame social media which is changing mindset of people, vulgarity on its peak, people love to be vulgar rather trustful, social media have made the thinking of people that money is everything, it has defeated the other things which includes love, family discussion, friendship, trust, purity and important one which is time. It has made everything upside down.

Q: Which changes do you like and dislike about the Modern Era? Describe.

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  • In modern eras, you still have opportunity to seek old times. in villages there are still systems which is old and that is not changed yet, there are foods prepared as it was prepared 100 years ago. There is absence of technology so life is not changing quickly and sometimes people reject new things.

I don't like people changing and living their culture or adopting other cultures. Our culture, the Pashtun or Pukhtun one's is adopting some Indian systems in their culture, mostly the city people. Majority of the world is adopting western culture, I don't like that people should become western to look cool. Everyone should display their culture to look cool and it defines different colors of life, to explore differences in the people.

Q: Are you happy with the era in which you were born? Reasons behind your answer.

  • I think this is a awkward question because you haven't lived the life of your grandparents but just listened their stories, in our grandparents and before them their were wars going on which have created problems for a lot people. People should find happiness in things and situations, live with people who they like, earn enough to stay alive and fulfill their expenses. Life is good when you are happy, life is bad when you are sad. If you are chasing a lot of money then your life will be tougher and it will take a lot of your time to be successful.

  • I have seen happiness in poor and needy eyes when you help them and I have also seen sadness in eyes of rich people, rich people eat depression medicines. They have money but their is un-satisfaction in someway. As, I also work and struggle for money; I become sad and work hard, not meet people and involved in the rat race. But on the other hand, I am having less money; I play physical games, sit with friends and share words which give you a satisfaction.


  • Lastly, I will say work but not too much, earn money to fulfill your expenses, run your home and also take out time to relax by sitting with family and friends which relaxes your mind. Also pray to God, The One and Only, to help you in tough situation and pray to Him to keep you away from difficulties and damages.

Inviting my friends @ubikool @hamzayousafzai @neelofar

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