SEC-S17/W5 | Do you believe in reincarnation?

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AOA, dear friends! I hope you're all in good spirits, blessed by Allah's grace. I'm doing , how about you people ?

Today, I am excited to join the this wonderful contest of "SEC- Season 17" thanks to community team organizing such an awesome event. Now, let's get this started, shall we?

Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief.

Being a Muslim, I do not believe in reincarnation. Nope, not in the cards for me. But hey, who knows?

Maybe in my next life, I will come back as a philosopher pondering the mysteries of the universe. Or maybe a cat, lounging around all day, living the dream. But back to the point, in Islam, we're all about that one-shot deal – one life, one chance to get it right.


It's like going to a buffet and making sure you load up your plate with all the good stuff because there's no going back for seconds.

So, while some might be lining up for round two, I will stick to making the most of the life I've got right now.

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

Do you ever wonder if you will meet your old pals again in the next life? Not in my playbook, being a Muslim and all. But hey, who knows? Maybe in my next gig, I will bump into my old high school buddy at the corner store, both of us reaching for the last bag of chips. Talk about a reunion!

In Islam, it's more like a solo journey – no plus ones allowed from past lives.

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It's like being the lone ranger, riding off into the sunset, no sidekick from yesteryears tagging along.

But hey, if reincarnation had a buddy system, I would totally sign up for the deluxe package, complete with friendship discounts and loyalty points.

So, while some folks might be banking on those reincarnation rendezvous, I will just focus on making memories in this life, knowing that when it's over, it's time to pass the baton, not the buddy pass.

Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life; Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

Being a Muslim, I do not believe in reincarnation, but if I were to entertain the idea, I'd stick with what I have got. Yep, I am pretty content with this whole gig – it's like having the perfect slice of pizza every day.

Why mess with a good thing, right?

I mean, sure, there are days when I look at someone else's life and think, "Wow, would not that be neat?" But then reality kicks in, and I realize that grass is not always greener on the other side – it might just be fake turf.

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Plus, I have got my own adventures to tackle, like figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet or mastering the art of parallel parking.

So yeah, I will pass on the reincarnation remix & stick to the original masterpiece.

After all, who needs a sequel when you're already living in the blockbuster of your own life?

kind Regards


Adieu, folks!

May the winds of fortune
carry you to greatness!


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 last month 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Me causó demasiada risa cuando dices que quizás regreses siendo filosofo porque, yo siempre bromeo diciendo que en mi otra vida tuve que haber sido griega ya que, me encantan las historias que hay de la antigua Grecia y, aquí es donde mis amigos que saben que soy renuente al tema de la reencarnación aseguran que, en el fondo sí lo creo.

Ahora bien, la vida es una sola y, aunque nos cueste mucho aceptar que nuestro ciclo en la Tierra tiene un fin, es necesario hacerlo porque, no debemos vivir con falsas esperanzas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 last month 

Reading your content has been a pleasure, my respects to you, I like when people defend their principles and we know they are not going to give up on them but they do not adopt an annoying attitude about the issues, they simply try to think of a scenario... it's like imagine something without this meaning accepting it, I congratulate you, I like this attitude.

I love the touch of good humor, sometimes you find attitudes uff that good causes you to jump to other content haha ​​but this is not the case, second content that I love in this challenge.

In Islam, it is more like a solo trip: companions from past lives are not allowed.

This is interesting, here I learn a little more, it helps me understand the position of many Muslim friends. Returning being yourself indicates that you are happy, that you take advantage of the moments, the here and now. Blessings to you.

Thanks, my friend, for your kind words!

It's all about embracing different perspectives and understanding each other's beliefs. Like a harmonious symphony, we can appreciate the unique notes each culture adds to the melody of humanity.

Here's to celebrating diversity and finding joy in the journey of self-discovery!

 last month (edited)

Yes sir, a toast to respect for differences, it makes the world more beautiful.


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Curated by : @sualeha

Dude, I really liked your blog. As it goes different line, your humble behavior of respecting other beliefs is not so common. And the way, you gave every answer in poetic turn wave path for so many learners.

I respect you and your religion. I think it is same as concept that if fish do exist, then land animals also do exist. My salute to your attempt to look into the surrounding and understand.

Being a Muslim, I do not believe in reincarnation. Nope, not in the cards for me. But hey, who knows?

Assalamualaikum dear friends, I hope you are well. I like this very much from you because we are born in a Muslim family and as Islam we can never think such things because our Allah is the one who does such miracles but never a human being dies. does not live after death.

I looked at various entries here and it made me read whether a person can be resurrected after death or not so they expressed their opinion but as we are born in a Muslim family we have Islam. According to life has been told and taught, then in our life only this has been told that no human being comes back to life after death and if he starts his life again.

If a person wants to recreate his life, he will adopt a better life than his first life. If he has many problems in his life, he will want to relive his life in a better way. That this cannot happen at all, a person gets only one life and one life after death, he will get it in the afterlife. I hope that Muslims like us also know this. Best wishes.

Best Regards
Maryam Nadeem

Me parece que planteas muy bien, de forma amena, por qué descartas la reencarnación. Lo que me parece más rescatable es la actitud de hacer lo mejor que puedas en la vida presente con la mentalidad de que es la única oportunidad que tienes de hacer las cosas bien.

Además me parece excelente tu razonamiento de elegir tu vida actual sin desear la de otros porque pudieran sera solo apariencias, comparto esta idea completamente. El hecho de que alguien tenga mucho dinero no implica que sea bueno o feliz, esas sí que son fantasías.

Te deseo mucho éxito.

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