Incredible India Monthly Contest May #01 || " My Perspective Towards Success" By: @jb123

in Incredible Indialast year



Greetings everyone, all of us wants to become successful person and wants to achieved our goals in Life. We always think this how we can achieved and gain some wonderful opportunities to make us very successful. Confidence and consistent are some of the most primary ingredients to become successful. Courage and dedication followed and some of the the great doings in our Life. For todays blog, allow me to share my ideas about successful.

For me, I haven't yet found my Successful life, but I always confident and consistent by doing the tasks to become successful. Successful is always waiting for us to come and get, and the best way to have this is to become positive in Life always.


What is the Definition of Success according to you?

➡️ In my own point of view, Success is a kind of act on which, the dreams of each individual are already achieved by means of hard works and dedications. We can get this kind of words by doing hard work and to be consistent in Life always.


Do you consider yourself a successful person?

➡️ Honestly, I still not yet says that I am already successful person. I still find some good opportunity to achieved my goals and dreams in Life. Here in steemit platform, I always do myself to become consistent and doing some unique and informative articles. Im not losing hope that someday, the big curators will notice me and I will always keep myself sharing my unique posts. We can't get of being successful person instantly, it needs time to wait, have patience and do our best to achieved our goals and ambitions. Even if I can't still achieve my Successful life, but I really enjoy myself here sharing my unique and informative posts. I know, someday my hardworks will be paid off.


What message would you like to convey to your friends to become successful in Life?

➡️ I have a friendly message to all of my fellow steemian friends. Always do consistent works and don't lose hope by doing the tasks very well. Having a positive Life always can help us achieved our ambitions and to become a successful person not only for businesses but also in terms of blogging. We joined steemit platform to express our talents and skills and of course, we want to become successful here in our Platform.

My fellow steemian friends especially those new steemit members, always look straight and don't look back. Be creative and do your best for the better.

I would like to invite ate @amayphin, @aehryanglee and @jessmcwhite here in this wonderful contest.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.

Curated by : @ridwant


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