SEC17/W1|Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?

in Incredible India2 months ago


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Hello to all of you hope you all are doing well I'm also fine here to participate in this "SEC17/W1|Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?" Which is something about our believes or not believe this is interesting to see different believe and talk about mine first of all I would like to invite three friends of mine @sualeha @ana07 @ayesah345 for participation.

Do you believe there is a place named heaven and hell out of this world? Justify your belief.

When the Hellfire sees them from a distant place, they will hear its fury and roaring". According to verse 50:30

This is the reference of Qur'an verse ,Yes I have a strong believe of Yes, ALHAMDULILLAH I'm Muslim and for the fact that there is both Hell and Heaven, It is clearly written in our holy book, the Qur'an, that And we have a strong believe on this thing and it is like that heaven has been created for the good people and hell has been created for the bad people and those who are disbelievers and those who commit shirk. We can't just deny it, because we are the believer of the holy Book, we make a lot of research about it, we read it with tafseer also, and in it Allah has clearly said that Paradise has been created for good people and Paradise has been created. It is for those who believe in the Messenger of Allah and Allah and follow the path that He has told them. And who do bad things Those who commit shirk and do not believe in the Prophet of Allah, do not believe in the hadiths narrated by him, do not follow the path and follow their own beliefs, then for those people made hell.



Do you believe karma decides our future, and we get results according to the same?

Yes, it is exactly like that, it is said that what you wish evil for others will surely come upon you somewhere and it is also said in our Islam that you should not wish evil to anyone if you wish for someone, you are the first to fall into it, and if you want someone's satisfaction, he will go around and throw one at you somewhere, so you have to take your actions accordingly. Always think good of others, do good, then good will always happen to you, and our Prophet(p.b.u.h) has also told us that you should never wish harm to others, and Allah Almighty also gives us the same message through His book that you Always think good of others and if you do bad to someone, it will surely turn back on you and this is probably karma.


Do you believe immortality and chasteness are some factors that affect our lifestyle? Describe.

Everyone has their own religion and in everyone's religion you are told some rules of living and if you live according to it then your life is peaceful and natural and it is very good to adopt purity and Being a Muslim my religion tells me to adopt my religion purity and the rest adopt its importants,and our Prophet and our Allah has also given us the same message always and life should be given importance and it should be lived in a good way. Life is very peaceful and it is not something in which you will gain or lose but it is something in which you will always gain.


This is my post about the themei hope you will like it and thanks for you time to visit see you next week ☺️
Regards: @kunwal



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 2 months ago 

Hi @kunwal
I am agreed that when you did bad with other firstly you fall in it ,nice presentation yes being a Muslim we are strongly believed on after death heaven or hell .
Thanks for inviting me surely participate soon .

Thank you dear for your comment and liking my Post ✨❤️

Karma plays a role in our lives, as what we wish for others often comes back to us. It is important to do good and think positively to attract positivity in our lives. Immortality and chasteness are factors that influence our lifestyle, as following the rules of our religion and living a pure life leads to peace and contentment. Always strive to lead a life that is pure and in accordance with your beliefs for a fulfilling life.

Thank you soich dear for your position comment ✨ God bless you ❤️

 2 months ago 

Greetings @kunwal! His ideas on the subject are deeply rooted in his faith and it is inspiring to see his commitment to sharing his beliefs with others. His belief in the existence of heaven and hell, as described in the Quran, is eloquently explained. It is clear that your faith guides your understanding of these concepts and your adherence to the teachings of your holy book shapes your worldview. Thank you for sharing your beliefs and perspectives with us. I wish you the best of luck in the contest and on your spiritual journey.

Thank you so much for your valuable feedback ☺️✨

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You are a Muslim alhamdulillah. This is the fact that you believe there is both Hell and Heaven. Alhamdulillah I am Muslim too and I have strong believe in Heaven and Hell. The Karma do exist and I have witnessed some people in my life hit by karma.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

Thank you dear ✨

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