Incredible India monthly contest of May#1| My preferred profession.

in Incredible Indialast month

Greetings friends,

Today, I thought about participating in the contest announced inside the community. POST LINK

Before I move forward, let me complete the regulations mentioned in the contest.

To participate in this contest, I would love to invite @karianaporras, @irawandedy, and @goodybest to share their theories on this topic!

Now let me share my perspective related to this subject of the contest.
What is your preferred profession and why?

Is my all-time preferred profession.

To know my interest in this profession;
you have to know how I look at the word


Teach us technics that not only help to acquire subjects but also the orations of life.
Educate us with our interested subject to become specialists on the same.
Advice that navigated us with appropriate route after parents.
Crucial part to enlighten our educational system.
Highest source of governance is eventually a way of learning how to be humble!
Emotional bonding that we realise lately!
Rational source of forming our base of life.

Now, that could be the inner version of a teacher;
but if I would say, in one line! Then, my philosophic narrative would be,

a teacher is a friend, philosopher, and guide.

I guess in the above, I shared enough reasons behind my choice.

Are you satisfied with the profession you are recently attached to? Justify your answer.
(Tutorial class)

Because during tutorial classes;
I got the opportunity to educate steemit friends about do's and don'ts!

Whether it is about this platform or practical life, I always try to guide them and suggest;
they should obey the path of honesty and hard work.

If I were successful in transforming one person on this platform,
That would obtain self-satisfaction, which is priceless!

To be a friend, philosopher, and guide, I love to do whatever right now. I am working on the steemit platform as a full-time blogger.

If through my writing, I can influence one person to improve can motivate one friend by sharing my experiences;

I would think my journey on steemit became triumphant.

Do you believe job satisfaction is equally essential to earning?

Inner peace is valuable, and after working for various companies;
I do agree that job satisfaction is essential!

Most people leave jobs once they get a better salary structure;
but after a few months, they start understanding nothing comes free!

With those massive salaries,
they get back home every day with nothing;
but mental stress!

I worked for TCS! Which is an IT sector of Tata Company. Anyone can search Google to get the details;
and how giant the company is!

Not just that! The company is a private dream company more valuable than government service.


I left the job because my shift starts at 6 am;
and for that, I need to wake up at 4 am.
So that I could obtain the 5:15 am bus,
When I reached home after my shift,
it was almost 9 pm because, at that time, you couldn't get buses effortlessly.

All offices leave predominantly at the same time;
Hence, some buses didn't stop because of the lack of places.

Those were my horrible days. As you all know, I do not have a helping hand!
So after I entered home, I completed the house errands;
And then, after taking a shower, I didn't have the energy to cook food.

What is your dream profession that you would like to pursue?

Right now the job I am doing is my dream profession. Believe it or not, if I were aware of it in 2017,
it would be more helpful for me;
I yielded massive money for lack of knowledge!

That money I can invest here, and that would not only help me;
but I could help many more through my support.


Blockchain and blogging were thoroughly unique sectors for me;
but now, it is my substantial favorite and passionate job that I am pursuing.

Well! That's all from my side. If you enjoy reading my content then, don't forget to share your views through comments. Stay tuned to my page, and be blessed always.



 last month 

শিক্ষকতা আপনার পছন্দের পেশা জেনে ভালো লাগলো। আসলেই এর চেয়ে সম্মানজনক পেশা বোধকরি আর কিছু হতে পারে না। তারা জীবনভর বনের বাঁশ কেটে বাঁশি বানান ।
অন্যের সন্তান জীবনে সফল হলে একজন শিক্ষক যেভাবে খুশি হন সেভাবে হয়তো অন্য কেউ হতে পারেন না।

তবে সেই অর্থে কোনো শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের শিক্ষক হতে না পারলেও আপনি এখনো শিক্ষকই আছেন। আমার মতো অনেকের শিক্ষক। যারা আপনার কাছ থেকে শিক্ষা লাভ করেই এগিয়ে চলেছে ক্রমশ সফলতার দিকে।
সত্যি বলতে আমি নিজে কিছুই জানতাম না যখন স্টিমিতে লেখা শুরু করি। সেইসাথে কিছু ঝামেলাতেও জড়িয়ে পরি। তখন আপনি যেভাবে সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছিলেন সেটা না করলে আমার পথচলা হয়তো থেমে যেত তখনই।
এজন্য আমি সবসময়ই কৃতজ্ঞ থাকবো আপনার প্রতি।

এখন আমি যা কিছুই করছি সেটা এক অর্থে আপনারই জন্য। আর যারা আমার এই পথচলা থামিয়ে দিতে চেয়েছিলো এটা তাদের উপর আপনারই বিজয়। আপনার এই জয়যাত্রা অব্যাহত থাকুক সবসময় ,এই কামনা করি।
ভালো থাকবেন সবসময়।



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@mvchacin Thank you my dear friend for your encouraging support.

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