October 18 and 22, 2021 Plagiarism Unit Report For Campusconnect by: @advhl

in CampusConnect3 years ago


Hello dear community members, this is my plagiarism report this week.

It is necessary that they read the plagiarism rules of the community in the following link: Click here

"Campus connect Community members have 3 slots that, when exhausted, will silence them in the community. This is how the campus connect correctional procedure will run, on 3 levels:"

1st Default.Warning from a member of the Monitoring unit
2nd DefaultSecond and last warning with a 100% downvote from Campus Connect Curation Trail
3rd DefaultParticipant will be muted in campus connect community and tagged plagarist

I had the opportunity to review 13 publications and I am happy to report that 100% was original content,I am very happy that our members are following the rules and avoiding plagiarism at all costs. I am pleased to be able to congratulate you all, you are doing an excellent job, keep it up. Below I attach the links of the reviewed publications.


This findings were made in good faith using atleast one of the following plagiarism tools


#campusconnect community have zero tolerance for plagiarism. Therefore members are advised to desist from such act as it can tend to reduce the global core value of the community. We appreciate everyone who Keep posting creative contents on #campusconnect community.

I am @advhl, see you in the next report.

 3 years ago 


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