in CampusConnect3 years ago


Good day Steeemians! I believe we are all doing fine. Well, brace yourselves because I'm about to let you in on one of the amazing facts about your body. Sounds cool right?... Let's dive in

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The human body is fashioned in such an amazing way that anyone would be intrigued on discovering certain facts about it. Just like our roads and streets are interconnected with one leading into another, so also are various parts of our body.
Anatomically, these interconnections are called 'communications'. For instance, your oesophagus leads into your stomach is read as "your oesophagus 'communicates' with your stomach".
However, the example above is known to many; I'm here to make the uncommon ones known to us.


● Pharynx:

Anatomically, the pharynx is the upper continuation of your oesophagus. It has three parts:
▪︎one behind your throat (or larynx) called Laryngopharynx
▪︎one behind your mouth (or oral cavity) called oropharynx
▪︎one behind your nose (or nasal cavity) called nasopharynx
All these three parts of the pharynx are continuous with each other with no structure separating them as shown below

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This is why when you pour water through your nose, it can easily get into your mouth and also when you lay supine immediately after eating, it can easily get through your nose when regurgitated

"Be safe. Sit properly while eating and don't lay on the bed mmediately after meal, give it some time."

● Eustachian tube:

Yes! That eustachian tube we knew as kids from primary school. It is also called the pharyngotympanic tube and it structurally connects the nasopharynx to the tympanic cavity (or middle ear).

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This is why when travelling at a high speed and air pressure exerted on your ear becomes much, you can equalize the pressure internally by swallowing your saliva. Swallowing increases the pressure within the Eustachain tube from within, thus it feels like your ear becomes 'open'

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●The nose and your brain:

I know right! The nasal cavity is one of the shortest route to your brain in the cranial cavity. On the roof of your nasal cavity lies a part of your brain called the frontal lobe. A bone called the ethmoid bone forms this upper part and it is sieve - like with numerous openings such that your olfactory nerves (nerves that sense smell) pass through them into the nasal cavity. Isn't God wonderful?

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Guys! Do you remember when you learnt of the master gland called pituitary gland? Well, the gland can also be accessed through your nasal cavity. Tell me about it!
Pituitary tumors can be removed through the nose by surgeons through a technique called transphenoidal surgery

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Be safe. Avoid picking your nose with objects like a pencil or broom stick; especially children. It could easily lead to brain injury or damage to your olfactory nerves and you could lose your sense of smell

● The Vagina and Abdominal Cavity:

To the ladies, your vaginal canal communicates with your abdominal cavity. Quite a shocker right? It goes from vaginal canal through the cervix into the womb (uterus) and into the fallopian tubes to reach ovaries. It is the fallopian tubes that open into the abdominal cavity.

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Significance: Infections such as Pelvic inflammatory Disease (PID) could lead to accumulation of pus in the abdominal cavity (a space anatomically called rectouterine pouch of Douglas).

Ladies, Be safe. PID is mainly caused by unprotected sex. Practice proper hygiene and protect yourself.

I hope this was a nice read. I cannot exhaust all the communications in the body, but these ones are quite prominent.
Special thanks to the community leader @whitestallion and his team for their efforts in growing @campusconnectng


 3 years ago 

Thank you for explaining this beautiful post to us.

 3 years ago 

You're welcome bro... thanks for the nice words

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Great anatomy insight!!!. Thank you for this post.

 3 years ago 

You're welcome... thanks

Making MB preparations easy..thanks bro

 3 years ago 

You're welcome sir

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