Campus Connect Nigeria Weekly Contest- Week 3- Making Changes by @marita-mbamarasteemCreated with Sketch.

Change is constant. It could either be positive or negative. Most universities do undergo either positive or negative changes or in some cases, both. From the first contest I participated in, I mentioned that I am a student of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (popularly known as UNN) but my campus is located in the heart of Enugu city popularly known as University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus(UNEC).
UNEC is famously known for its serenity and its small land mass with beautifully decorated trees and flowers of different kinds and sizes. A few newly structured buildings, one located close to the school’s gate and the other close to the law department also add to the aesthetic nature of the school.

Aesthetic nature of the school

CBN school of business

An extension of Law Administration Building

The beauty of a school shouldn’t be all about the outer physical structures but also the inner attributes of the school, values to uphold, moral ethics and also the conducive nature of the environment for learning majorly hostels and lecture halls.
One could tour round my campus under 3 hours and still not get tired both during day and at night. Evening stroll is something I do advice people to do to relieve stress due to the peaceful nature of the school but recently it is not advisable to do such alone at night as the rate of insecurity increases and my school has failed to provide enough security to safeguard the students. High rate of robbery at gun point has become a major threat to the life of students and nothing has been done to curb this.

Cost of Education wouldn’t have been a problem to the students of UNEC but paying for services not granted to us is very disheartening. Why add WIFI fee when we aren’t provided such especially in hostels? This is a question I keep pondering on but no answer is being given.

Unconducive learning environment and poor infrastructural facilities is also a problem I would love my school to tackle. Imagine a class of 300 students trying to fit into a lecture hall that can only accommodate 150 students.Terrible right?
Also imagine how stuffy the class would be accompanied with the noise due to rowdiness from students who are trying to fit into the class just to gain knowledge. Do you ever think those students would be able to learn? No way! In addition to the above, writing examinations in a lecture hall that has a damaged ceiling during raining season has a really bad effect on students. Now, imagine the excitement we felt when we entered our auditorium recently and discovered that it has been repaired. Personally, I was elated and flabbergasted; the joy I felt was beyond bound. I should not have been that excited but because I’m not use to witnessing a damaged hall getting repaired in my school, sadly I was which is not a good thing to write home about. I mean, as a school there ought to be well conducive environment for learning and larger capacity lecture hall to accommodate all students but my department is lacking in this area.

Me receiving lecture in a damaged lecture hall


The student union government is another torn on the students flesh. Hostels are meant to be clean just as the saying goes cleanliness is next to godliness but no, the reverse is the case in my campus. Due to unpaid salaries to cleaners by the school management, students in the hostels took it upon themselves to contribute money monthly for the cleaners just to live a healthy life but for how long would this continue? Complaints have been made to the SUG but due to incompetence and nonchalant attitudes nothing has been done.

Poor condition of the hostel

Just as my school has its faults, it also has its commendable achievements too.
In the area of sporting facilities, it has a well structured volleyball court, basketball court and a stadium where students participate in different sporting activities during their leisure time.

The Stadium

Finally, as the adage goes, give honor to whom honor is due. My school isn’t lacking when it comes to dedicated and hardworking lecturers.
Kudos to my ever competent lecturers who are always there to ensure that we gain knowledge and are ready to face the outside world. Since my first year in school, lecturers have been engaging us in different presentations which has a way of helping us conquer the fear of public speaking and gaining 100% confidence. Honestly, I was once a shy student but with the opportunities granted to me through practical presentations I have been able to conquer my fears and insecurities.
In conclusion, it would be of great joy if the problems are being solved and improvements are being made to achieve a positive change in my school.
I would definitely love to see my school being considered an international school where foreign students apply to acquire a degree because of its credibility and proper development and management. A school where students are comfortable in their lecture halls, where the lecture halls are well equipped with facilities such as functional fans, air conditioners, projectors and public address speakers. A school where hygiene is considered a necessity and lastly, where students feel secured mostly at nights.
Now tell me, if all these can be achieved, would students ever complain?

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