Simple Decor Tips For Your Home

in CampusConnect3 years ago



So yeah, I have a thing for design and plan to do something very productive and signatory in that line. Until then, I just study content around the craft and enact parts of it around me.
I may not be an expert but I do have a few tips on how to turn the inside, up.

Do you fall in love with some houses at first look, only to walk in and it's like... Oof!
A house should look good inside as much as it does outside, even better. To do this, you would need to tick some boxes.

So as a designer in the works, I have put together a small list of realistic tips that should see this through.

1). Less is more:

Always. In some ways, this is a golden rule. Don't live like you're running from authority but don't stuff so much into your space that it becomes unbreathable either. So try to decide which bits are necessary and store the others neatly away.

2). Through Painted lens:

I really like the smell of fresh paint. Even if the place is old, that new coat easily gives it a rebranded look. It is one of the highlights of an interior so it's important that you choose a good colour. I'd suggest pastel colours because they give an airy feel.

3). Reflectives.

By this, I mean mirrors or other items that have the reflective feature of a mirror. The way they're built kind of multiples things in visual context. I don't quite have the word for it but this sort of detail plays charmingly.

4). Green life:

Another thing that makes a room come alive is plants; any kind of plants. This is because of the colours, sizes, species, and holding containers they come in. You could get them as succulents or natural potted plants, suspended from a spot or just there in a corner.
Whichever, plants make a lovely detail. And good detox agents.

5). Declutter - ers:

Except the place is scattered - with reason perhaps, it's not really nice to step on an item everytime your feet touch the floor. That's where 'declutter - ers' come in. You could do this with shelves, baskets, plastic containers. And whatever else that can contribute to orderliness.

6). Lighting:

You know how things - especially the lights - tend to look when you're sick? Almost dirty. That's what poor lighting does but without the illness. Get good bulbs that can stay on even low current and if you can, install a few more around.

Now I know that most people can't make their homes the way they'd truly want due to short funds, priorities and other reasons known to them. But these are basic things which we tend to overlook, that can do the trick.
What's good, they're so basic you could go through them gradually, and not empty your pockets doing so.

Also, these are just surface guides on design but in a followup post, I will delve deeper into this and macro-niche them along the way.

As always, I hope this was either understandable, interesting, or both for you.
Thank you.


 3 years ago 

You into decorations? If yes then omo, you're lot because you also explained this so well. RiRi🌺

You must be really talented

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