Reading Comprehension about Mrs Rose Party

in Steem Education4 years ago

Good morning Pupils, please bring out your Textbook and place it one your table. Let us read from the passage and answer the following questions.

One Saturday, during school holidays, Mike told his parents that Mrs Rose and her family were going to return from England the next week. There was going to be a big party for them both. Can I take Edet to Ibadan to assist me prepare for the party?' asked Musa Mr. and Mrs Maliaka agreed. Edet was very excited. He liked staying with Musa.
All that week, Edet was very busy helping his brother. He took the programme of the party to the printers. As he went to the printers, he read the programme.


  1. Opening prayer
  2. Chairman's opening speech.
  3. Toast to Mrs. Ross and family.
  4. Refreshments.
  5. Guests of Honour.
  6. Chairman's closing remarks.
  7. Dance, Dance Dance

The day before the party, Edet helped to put the chairs round the big hall. He went with Musa to collect drinks and to make sure that the band was ready for the next day. He helped Musa to carry plates and dishes to the hall and he washed all the glasses and put them on large trays.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Who was the party for?
  2. Why did Musa want Edet to go to Ibadan?
  3. Read the programme again, what was the second item on the programme
  4. What was the last item on the programme?
  5. Write down three ways that Edet helped Musa on the day before the party.

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Please write out your answers in a clean and neat handwriting. Avoid cancellations as such may attract lost of marks.

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