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RE: My Thoughts on SEC Season 20

in Suggestions Club5 months ago

Personally, I really like the content that the SEC produces. These are well-researched articles that are definitely valuable. I think the Steemit team is doing the right thing by using their resources to create something like this.

However, I agree that Steemit doesn't have to be just academic. There is a place for entertainment, diaries and live communication. The downside is that we only have one big player who is interested in community and blockchain development. No matter where the Steemit team directs its resources, it will not be enough and someone will be left without support.

s kind of content like Steem Academy where all the lessons are catalogued subject-wise

I like this idea of ​​yours. At the same time, various courses can attract new readers to Steemit, but for this they need to be found in a Google search. Publishing such courses in some community will worsen their indexing by search engines. This has already been said several times. In short, I don't know how to make things better 😄


There were teaching teams in the past too if I'm correctly recalling. But this time the bar is higher.

No matter where the Steemit team directs its resources, it will not be enough and someone will be left without support.

It's not about who's left without support. But yeah, users run where there's a better chance of big votes, naturally, even if their interests lie somewhere else. It's not a complain but I just hope this doesn't deprive steem of diversity.

The only solution that came to my mind was to regulate this project in a dedicated space. Something along the lines of how SCA operated few years ago.

Regarding the problem of poor search engine rankings of community content... I'm hopeful our devs would be able to fix that someday.